Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Holiday World 2013 - AND Tyler stands by himself!

We still had a couple free tickets left to Holiday World and took off to Santa Claus this morning.  We planned to get there right when they opened and then stay until the kids were ready to nap.  It ended up working out really well.

Daddy and Lily rode the carousel together.  Lily didn't want to ride on the horseys though...

I took her on the little roller coaster but it wasn't too pleasant for anyone.  She didn't want to ride it.  At all.  But I made her.  She didn't cry but she was scared as all get out and as soon as it came to a stop she said, "I want to get out of here now."

She did however, LOVE the teacups.  She rode once and when it was over she wanted to ride again.  I had a hard time getting pictures so excuse the horrible quality....

After the teacups we headed to the water park and met up with Katie, Ayden and Mackenzie.  We played in the water until we were all starving.  Then had some lunch and after that, we tried to take the kiddos back to the water slides, but after one slide Lily asked if we could go home now.  She was so tired, she just couldn't handle any more!

Tyler passed out before we even got out of the water park.  Lily passed out about 30 seconds after we got out of the parking lot. 

Tonight when we got home, the kids played and played and were in such a good mood.  Tyler was walking all over the place behind this train toy.  He also stood by himself several times for a few seconds each time!  We are on our way to walking!

Lily got a hold of my phone and was taking lots of pictures tonight.  She's completely obsessed with taking pictures!

Joel put purse on top of Lily's head and she wanted me to take a picture.  She's so goofy.

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