Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Mommy Ran Away!

This past weekend, I took off to Evansville.... BY MYSELF! It was such a much needed break from the hectic daily life of this working mama.

I've been needing a break for a while and a week or so ago, Joel said, "You should go. I'll watch the kids. And if you don't go, that's on you, cause I'm telling you it's ok."

After wrestling in my mind for several days and trying to deal with the guilt of leaving my babies for two nights (silly, I know), I finally decided to take off and go.

Funny thing was, mom wasn't even there!  A couple hours after I got there, she and Jason took off to Gulf Shores for a vacation!  So I was truly there ALONE!  This was the first time I had been completely away and alone, relaxing since Lily was born.  That's over 2.5 years in case anyone's lost count.....

I did miss the kiddos terribly while I was gone.  But they were pretty well behaved for Joel and he sent me some cute pictures.

Saturday morning Joel made pancakes for the babes.

Now you see it....

Now you don't!

For Lily, giraffe shaped pancakes!

Clean plate!

After Tyler's morning nap, they went for a walk around the neighborhood.  Both of these kiddos love to be outside.  Love it!

Sunday morning, Joel sent this picture of Tyler feeding himself.  Since I always nurse him, I've never seen him feed himself milk! 

Shortly after breakfast on Sunday, I headed back to Columbus and arrived home around lunch time.  The rest of the afternoon and evening the kids were following me around everywhere.  Tyler in particular was getting upset any time I left the room.  It was pretty sweet.

The best thing that I've noticed since I got home though was that Tyler goes to Joel more and more.  I think that time without me here really did a good thing for them.  Tyler was able to see that Daddy can take care of him just as well as Mama!

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