Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Last week for Joel's 37th (whaaaat??) birthday, we headed up to Greenwood for dinner and ate at Thai Spice - heavenly!!  Lily of course didn't want to have anything to do with any of the food, but Tyler was all about it.  He ate TOFU (eeewwwwwwww) and spicy fried rice and he loved it!
After dinner, we decided to splurge on dessert and went over to The Cheesecake Factory to get some cheesecake.  Joel dropped me at the door to just run in and get it.  While I was in there, this conversation transpired:
Lily:  Where'd Mommy go?
Joel:  She went in the cheesecake store to buy some cheesecake for dessert.
Lily:  It's not Jesus-cake!  It's GOD CAKE!
Where does she come up with this stuff??
I've been so busy the last couple weeks that I haven't had much time for blogging.  And sadly, it's not going to get much better until, oh, probably October.  Between several big reviews coming up at work and my boss changing jobs in the middle of that, my work life is going to be crazy stressful with some long days in my future.  Meanwhile, I also need to get my butt in gear on planning Tyler's 1st birthday party!  Gah!
So I'm positive that there have been many funny anecdotes like the one above that I should have written about and are now probably lost in my memory forever.  Bummer.
Lily is obsessed with pulling the wagon around the yard - preferably with Tyler in it but she'll settle for pulling Ellie or her "sister" (aka baby doll).  These pictures were taken prior to Lily taking a sharp turn and rolling the wagon on it's side!  Tyler is going to be SO tough.

This past weekend, the whole Fonner clan got together at Grams' house.  Joel and I took off work on Friday and finally got our day at Holiday World.  Mom offered to watch the kids for us!  Yes, we went to Holiday World WITHOUT the kids!  A.  We needed a break.  A real break.  And some time to just be together doing something fun for us.  And B.  I've been pregnant, breastfeeding, and/or toting an infant or toddler the last 3 years so I haven't gotten to ride any rides!  I wanted to ride rides!!
Unfortunately, a few hours in to the day, Katie calls and tells me that Mom's had to take Jason back to the hospital and she's at home with a 3 year old, 2.5 year old, 10.5 month old and a 5.5 month old.  YIKES.  She swears she's fine with the kids.  Don't worry.  Have fun.
So we stay at Holiday World.  Then, a couple more hours goes by and Katie calls again.  Lily has a fever of 103.4!  SON OF A!!!  We can't have NOTHIN'!  At this point, it's getting late, there's not much time left to ride any more rides (we got to ride a whopping 3 all day) so we cut our losses and head out.
Lily was pitiful the rest of the night.  Lethargic and burning up.  I put her bed early and she went without a fight.  The next morning, she woke up totally fine.  Crazy.
On Saturday, we were so lucky to have Aunt Sandy come up and stay with Jason so Mom could come home and spend time with all of us.  We enjoyed the pool and played and played and played outside.  We had visits with Meme and Papaw and with my cousin Dane.  Good times!!
More pool time on Sunday!



There's not much else in the world like being 2.5 years old and learning to pee on a tree!


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