Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, July 6, 2013

10 months!

I feel like every month I say, "I can't believe that Tyler is 'x' months old already!"  So I'll not say that this month....

Isn't this the most adorable 10 month old you've ever seen?!  (Pink eye and all....)


Height: 29.5 inches (~75% percentile)
Weight:  21 pounds (~50% percentile)

Sleeping habits:  Goes to bed around 7:30 at night and sleeps great until about 5:00-5:30.  He wakes up and fusses for a while and usually puts himself back to sleep until 6:30 or so.  He naps great at home, usually a morning nap for 1.5 hours and an afternoon nap for 1-2 hours.  Sometimes, he sneaks in another late afternoon nap depending on how well he napped at the other times.  At daycare, he still takes 2-3 short naps (30 mins) most days. 

Eating habits:  We're still nursing!  Only 2 months to go of nursing/pumping/bottles 5-6 times a day.  I think I can, I think I can.  We nurse in the mornings, he gets three 5 oz bottles at daycare and then I nurse in the late afternoon and then once more around 10pm.  I think most of the time, Tyler could do without that 10pm nursing, but I've kept it up because I'm afraid my milk supply will drop further and it's easier to nurse Tyler than it is to drag all my pump stuff out. 

He's eating a lot of table food, starting in the last couple weeks or so.  He eats peas, carrots, green beans, mandarin oranges, crackers, blueberries, watermelon, yogurt, French fries.  I've been giving him something solid he can feed himself at just about every meal.  And then depending on what we're having that he can eat and whether it's enough to fill him up, we'll get out a baby food to supplement the table food. He has very little interest in being fed anymore though.  He wants to do it himself. 

I keep trying sippy cups and he can drink from them if you hold it and tip it for him.  He hasn't quite figured out the tipping part.  He'll just chew on the spout if you don't tip it for him.

Activities:  He's a mover and a shaker!  He crawls all over and pulls himself up on everything.  Including my legs.  If I'm standing in the kitchen, he'll crawl over to me and pull himself up on my legs and whine until I pick him up.  He's going through this phase where if I leave the room (without him) he has a meltdown.  Cries and cries and chases after me.  It was pretty sweet and broke my heart the first five times and now I'm just ready for this phase to pass.  I remember Lily went through this too, probably about this same age.  I can't remember how long it lasted though!

Tyler's starting to get his legs under him to walk.  He can push a toy for one to two steps before he falls.

He's starting to get two more teeth in on the top.  I think it's his eye teeth which will make him look like a vampire!

Talking:  Lots of mum-mum-mum and da-da-da.  The other day, I swear he said bah-bah (bye bye).  I think about this time is when Lily starting talking so we'll see if we have another talker on our hands!  I kinda hope we do because we were/are a little spoiled by being able to understand Lily so early on.

He's so happy all the time.  Loves to laugh and just giggles and giggles when you tickle him and make faces.  I get so many kisses from this boy - I'm saving them up cause I know one day I'll have to BEG to get a kiss. 

Love.  Him.

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