Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Staycation or Bust

So far, we'll go with bust......

The babes have pink eye!!  Yay!

On Saturday, Lily had a little bit of gunk in her eye and on Sunday she had a lot of bit of gunk in her eye.  By Monday morning, it was completely gunked shut.  Her eyeball wasn't red so I was thinking (hoping) it was just allergies, but I took her to the doctor Monday morning.  Hello pink eye!  Goodbye staycation where I get things done. 

I had dropped Tyler off at daycare because his eyes looked good.  Three hours later, they call me to come get him because they think he has it too. 

This morning, Lily's eyes looked marginally better but still gunked shut pretty good.  Tyler's looked perfect.  No gunk, very little red.  So we decided to keep Lily home another day and took Tyler to daycare because I figured this was the easiest way to keep them apart and prevent them passing it back and forth.  However, when I picked Tyler up this afternoon, his eye was gunky and red and looked terrible and I felt like Mother-of-the-Year for sending him in the first place. 

I have no idea what we'll do with them tomorrow.  The doctor told me they'd be tons better in 24 hours but I'm not seeing it......

I did make some progress today on the quilt for Baby Girl Elsass.  I cut up 242 squares and 121 pieces of batting.

Lily was grabbing up the scraps and making soup out of them.  


Lily's been wearing her Dora costume and/or Dora tutu and/or pink cowboy boots and/or no pants for the last two days.  It's pretty comical!

There's been a lot of nursing going on in our house lately.  It's hard to tell in the picture but Lily's got her shirt hiked up and Ellie is getting some supper. 

Joel took some random shots of Tyler the other night.  His eyes look so big!

I don't know if Joel took this one of himself or if Lily got a hold of the camera......he looks kinda weird.....Like the shape of his head ain't right......

On Sunday, I had Joel snap a couple pictures of Lily and I.  They turned out pretty cute!


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