Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, June 29, 2013


The past week has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster as Jason wound up back in the hospital this week with another severe infection.

He looked so pitiful and tired and weak and clearly in pain and it was very scary.  He was in ICU for 3 days but is now back in a regular room and hopefully will continue to make progress toward recovery.  He's at least starting to act more like himself - giving the nurses a hard time and making jokes so that's a really positive sign.  Although yesterday, he asked to see a chaplain which made us a little nervous.  But he just wanted to make sure someone was praying for him. 

Jackson absolutely kills me.  There was a super complicated candy bar puzzle in the waiting room that was already completed.  Jackson took the corner apart (probably 30 pieces) and then put it back together by HIMSELF.  He's three and a half!

 He's a cute little booger, isn't he?

This trip to Evansville was my first overnight stay away from Tyler - almost 10 months old before my first time away from him.  I think Lily was about 9 months old the first time I went 24 hours without seeing her. 

It was really strange to be away from them - I didn't stop thinking about them and what they might be doing.  Or how Joel's handling them solo.  Are they giving him a hard time?  Is Lily throwing tantrums?  Is Tyler missing me?  Missing nursing?  I'm sure that it doesn't help that I have to pump every 3 hours so I don't really get an opportunity to let go.  The time away, though, renews my patience for the trying times and my appreciation for all the sweet things they do.

Lily completely cracks me up sometimes.  The other day, she put her babies in time out.

I asked her why they were in time out.  "Because they hit me," she said.

When it was time to come out of time out, she got down in their faces to tell them why they were in time out and that hitting is not ok.  She's a MINI ME!!!  Gah!  Poor baby!

I recently started following a new blog of a random stranger and she posted something that I really liked and want to try to do more often.  She introduced the idea of #togethergrams to me.  It's simply taking pictures of yourself with your kids, individually, no matter how frumpy you feel.  I hate it how I don't have that many pictures of me and the kids (all together or separately) and I think it's because I'm always waiting for the right time.  Right time being, my hair isn't a mess and my makeup is done and Joel is around (and in the mood) to take the picture with the good camera.  Oh and this also has to coincide with when the kids are in the mood.  This never happens.  Hence, I don't have that many pictures of us. 

So, here's to #togethergramming!

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