Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Flying solo!

 This weekend is Joel's annual motorcycle tour so I'm watching after the babies all by my lonesome. 

They have been behaving really pretty good (so far, knock on wood).

This morning, we played outside for while.  Then came in for Tyler's morning nap.  Lily and I got "ready" while he was sleeping.  Shower for me, makeup and painted nails for Lily!

Then we went shopping at Joann's and Target.  And then had lunch at McDonald's.  I bribed Lily to try a chicken nugget (said she could have a prize if she ate it).  She never gets her own food at McDonald's so she wasn't aware that there was a toy in her happy meal.  She tried one bite cause I asked her to and then she tried another bite on her own.  Then concluded she did NOT like it.

After that, we came home and had nap time!  (Yay, Mommy break time!)

After nap, we had popsicles outside and played in the water until the rain approached.  Then Tyler went down for his 3rd nap of the day and Lily and I fixed pizza for supper.  Then Tyler got up and we all ate dinner and played together and then it was bedtime!

Today was a good day.  I enjoyed spending the time with the kids and I feel relieved that they were well behaved most of the day. 

But let me tell you what.  1)  Thank goodness I'm not a single parent.  2) No way could be I a stay at home mom.

It's really hard work to keep the kids entertained, keep them from fighting with each other, fix and clean up meals, keep up with other chores along the way all while maintaining patience and not blowing a gasket over the little stuff.

But I remind myself, my babies will only be this little for a short time.  I have to take the time to relish in these moments.  It'll be gone before I know it!

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