Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

It's all fun and games until....

.....somebody poops their pants!

Lily has REALLY taken a liking to playing in the water hose.  Every time Joel waters the garden she wants to "help" and wants to "water the grass."  In the interest of keeping my sanity, I try to prevent her "helping" too much unless it's bath night.  Then I don't have to cringe at the thought of cleaning up a sopping wet, grass covered little girl.  I can just throw her in the bath tub.

Guess what?  Tuesday is bath night!  So after dinner, Joel put Lily in her swimsuit and she was having the BEST time playing with the water hose.  She was watering all the grass!  She was shooting the water straight "UP to the SKY!" Which then caused it to "RAIN on [her] HEAD!"

She chased her Daddy around the yard trying to get him wet.  "Stop running Daddy so I can get you!!" 

Meanwhile, I'm playing with Tyler..  I tried to get him to taste some watermelon but he wasn't all that interested.

Instead he had his sights on the TOYS!

He crawled over to the red car so I put him in.  Holy cow, he loves that thing.  He was turning that steering wheel like it was nobodies business!  Slamming his hands on the wheel.....if it weren't for the smile on his face one might of thought he had a bit of road rage!

Rolling down the street, in my diaper, sippin' on Mama's milk....laid back!  With my mind on my toys and my toys on my mind!

Hey baby, how you doin'?


And then.....from the opposite end of the yard.....Lily yells:

"Hey Mommy!  I DUMPIED!"

Me:  "You pooped?"

Lily:  "Yes."  (still playing in the water, barely paying attention to me asking questions)

Me:  "You pooped in your pants??" (I just can't believe it so I ask again, thinking surely she's mistaken.)

Lily:  "Yes.  I pooped, I said."

Joel:  "Lily, did you really poop?"  (he goes to investigate)

Oh yeah.  She pooped - or "dumpied."

She was having so much fun she couldn't be bothered to perform her evening dump on the toilet.  I'm guessing she was afraid if she went in the house, she wouldn't get to come back out!

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