Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

FXB Week 6

I was really worried about Week 6 because of my travel and I was right to be worried.  I struggled.  Bad.  

Not with the exercise though!  I exercised every single day – twice on one day!   Unprecedented behavior people!  I felt really good about that.

But my nutrition - that was pretty atrocious.  It was super, duper difficult to follow the 6 small meals, carb/protein balance plan.  Super, duper.  I started off strong on Monday and Tuesday and at least did a decent job of following my Weight Watchers points guidance even if I didn't always get the protein/carb mix right.

But with the stress of the travel and all the temptation in my face, I broke on Wednesday.  Bad.  I completely fell apart and the old me from nearly two years ago was there stuffing her face with breakfast burritos, cinnamon rolls, cookies, trail mix, bread, seconds of bread, more cookies, more trail mix, greasy burger smothered in onions and cheese on buttered texas toast, ice cream & brownie dessert, chocolate.  Oh.  My.  GAWD.  I felt so sick.  Physically ill from all that crap.  Emotionally wrecked from my total breakdown and lack of self-control.  AND, to top it all off, I looked 6 months pregnant with that full, bloated belly.  Awful.

I texted Joel with my woes.  And you know what my super smart husband said?  “So what.  Make it your fun day.” Duh.  His suggestion allowed me to regroup and forgive myself for my food sins.  So on Thursday, my last day of travel, I got it somewhat together and ate somewhat reasonably.  Still not something to be proud of cause I still over did it.  But at least I didn’t reach the end of the day completely hating myself.  So that’s sort of a win.

Since I didn't get home until after mid-night on Thursday, I ended up going to the 7am kickboxing class on Friday morning.  It was soo different than my normal 5am class.  It had about 1/3 the people and the overall energy was just so different.  I missed my people.  I'm looking forward to getting back in it on Monday.

And, lucky me, I will get a chance to redeem myself with respect to my eating behavior on travel.  I have to (get to?) go to Phoenix on Wednesday, returning late Friday night.  I am psyching myself up to not screw up this time.  Work travel is going to be a part of my life this year and I need to learn how to resist temptation, be reasonable about my choices and not go off the deep end at the first available excuse.

I missed Wacky Sock Wednesday this week but here's my crew.  Looks like it was a light bunch this week.

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