Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

FXB Week 5 - What a Week!

This has been a big week.  BIG.  I mean HUGE.  Ok, where should I start...

I paid my money for one year of FXB FIT membership.  Non-refundable.  Non-transferable. 

Ohmahgawd.  WhathaveIdone?

Oh yes, that's right, I committed to waking up at 4:15am 5-6 days a week until (at least) the end of next Spring.  No, no.  Not supposed to look at it that way.  How's this:  I committed to continue on this journey to a stronger, healthier me for (at least) the next year.  Yes, that's what I did. I'm still in shock (a little) that I committed to this before I even reached the end of my 10 week challenge.  But I kinda had to since space is limited and I didn't want to risk losing my 5am spot.  Sh*t or get off the pot, so they say. 

New FXB things:  super sets came our way - which is a quick succession of band exercises intended to cause muscle confusion and build you up stronger.  My muscles must have been confused because they were screaming "KELLY, WHAT THE @#$% ARE YOU DOING?!"  Haha.

We also had band kicks.  Your partner holds you back with a resistance band, by doing a deep squat, while you attempt to roundhouse kick the punching bag.  This. is. hard.  For both partners.

Ring of Fire happened on Friday.  Set up the punching bags in a giant circle and move around them doing our kickboxing thing and then trade with your partner who is being tortured in the center of the circle with burpees, jump squats, supermans, 4-count pushups and the like.   Good times!

Wacky Sock Wednesday - Week 5 - I got some new socks!!   Those who know me well know that it's kind of a big deal that my sock wardrobe includes something other than St Patrick's Day socks.  Though guess this photo doesn't really prove it cause you can't see my face. 

Here's why we never win the weekly wacky sock trophy.  Pictured above is MAYBE 25% of our class.  Ding #1 - poor participation.  Ding #2 - our pose is always about 4 steps behind everyone else in the creativity department.  Check out these other two classes.  Anybody have any ideas for creative poses??  I'm so embarrassed for my class.

Week 5 also brought Freaky Friday.  Freaky Friday means each class time picks a theme and dresses accordingly for said theme - it's a contest similar to Wacky Sock Wednesday but a little more involved and eXtreme, if you will (tee hee).  "Kickstartin' the day at 5A" elected to choose "JoshStrong" as our theme.  Josh is a high school student who was in a terrible car accident on Super Bowl Sunday and is fighting hard to recover.  Josh's parents are in our 5A class and we wanted to show our support for them and what they are going through. At least we had awesome participation for this - probably >95% of the class!

Here is Erika, Pooja and myself sportin' our Freaky Friday gear.  Don't we look awesome?  And FIT?  And STRONG?  And FIERCE!  And it's only Week 5!  Erika and I are both in for a year of this.  Mess with us, and we will take. you. down.  Don't let those smiles fool you.

Week 5 brought progress testing.  A repeat of orientation day (minus the picture).  My stats:

Weight:  decrease 5.8 pounds
Body Fat %: decrease 2.3%
Chest: decrease 2 inches
Waist:  decrease 0.75 inches
Arm: decrease 0.75 inches
Thigh: decrease 1.25 inches
Hips:  decrease 1 inch

Sit and Reach: from 19.5 inches to 22 inches
Push Ups (from knees): from 21 to 44 in 60 seconds
Sit Ups (full sit-ups - not crunches):  from 17 to 30 in 60 seconds
1 Mile Run:  from 11:30 minutes to 10:15 minutes

So yeah, that's pretty incredible as far as I'm concerned.  I'm so proud, I'm bursting at the seams.  I cried no less than six times before, during and after the 5 week testing.  I was just so overwhelmed.  I never thought I would be where I am.

One more huge thing happened in week 5.  I hit a milestone I never, ever, ever dreamed imaginable.  Never.  Ever.  I stepped on the scale, at home prior to my FXB weigh in, and the number jumped around for a second (I felt like I was on the Biggest Loser where they do the weigh in and the numbers jump like 10 pounds in each direction for dramatic effect before settling on the true weight). And then it stopped.  I almost fell over.  I immediately ran back into the bedroom to grab my phone.  I came back to the bathroom - jumped on the scale again - cause I was pretty sure it was a fluke.  The same number came up.  I took a picture.  Why?
Because since starting all this on June 24, 2013, I have lost 100 pounds.  


I'm starting to get emotional just typing that out.  I had to document it because today was Fun Day, and I earned it, so I'm quite sure I completely undid my milestone but that's ok.  At least for one day, I was a woman that lost 100 pounds. 

Not to end on a down note or anything but I'm very nervous for Week 6.  I have to travel 4 days this week for work and will miss class.  I will get in a workout of some kind every day - at least I will do my very best to try.  But I'm worried about trying to keep up with the nutrition given the temptation and lack of routine that comes with traveling.  I will have to work extra hard to remain focused.  Plus, it's ok to undo my milestone a little bit because of Fun Day.  It's NOT ok to undo my milestone because of a week full of poor choices.  Wish me luck - this is week 1 of 3 in a row where I have to travel.  I can do this.

I love this woman.  She gave me two kids and made me who I am today.  But I don't ever want to see her again.

June 2013

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