Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

FXB Week 4

Four weeks done.  Boom!  Only one week to go before Week 5 testing.  Never been so excited for a test in my life!  I expect to nail it.  Just sayin'.

Not much new this week, honestly.  The feeling of utter exhaustion has subsided a little so that's good though can't say it's because my sleep has improved.  I think I'm just adjusting to this schedule a little better.

Though having said that, this week, for the first time since I started, I experienced the alarm clock going off and me feeling like I wanted roll over, say "to hell with it," and go back to sleep.  It was tempting....soooooo, tempting..... and then I had a little flash in my mind of the ab muscles that are starting to pop out and with that, my legs just started swinging out of the bed on their own.  Can't say I BOUNDED in to class with extreme exuberance that day but I was there and pushing myself.  Well, and Erika, my buddy, pushed me too.  She was working out behind me and she must have seen in the mirror the look on my face that said, "I don't think I can do even one more of these let alone 8.  I want to give up." and I was on the verge of dropping my band.  Then I heard, "You can do it, Kelly."  And I finished the set (it wasn't beautiful but I finished).

And THAT, my friends, is why this FXB thing is so great.  
And punching stuff.  That's great too.

I purchased a FitBit Surge and am loving it.  Still trying to figure out the optimal way to wear it on kickboxing days as it's a little bulky under my boxing glove.  But the stats that it produces are awesome and I love that it auto syncs to the phone app.  And it also syncs with my Virgin Pulse account for my work/health insurance stuff so I don't have to wear two pedometers any more!  AND, both my sisters have a FitBit so we are "FitBit Friends" which is to say my competitive bone is engaged when I can see their 7-day step counts and I try to beat them.  So far I am not winning!  Grr.  Anyone else wants to be my FitBit friend, let me know!  I will likely trash talk you so be warned.

We were introduced to Fun Friday this week as well.  I had no clue what "fun" meant in this context so I was a tad skeptical.  Turns out, it's AWESOME.  Best workout I've had so far and definitely the most fun I've had so far.  This week's "fun" was that the punching bags were set up in a line and you ran down the line punching, kicking, etc each bag per the instructor's direction.  When you got to the end of the line, you ran back to the beginning.  For 30 solid minutes.  Thanks to my new FitBit (this sounds like an infomercial - I should get paid), I could easily compare the intensity of my workouts.  The photo on the left is a "regular" kickboxing day (clearly I need to step it up - I'm a little embarrassed to post that).  The photo on the right is from fun Friday - where I had NO CHOICE but to step it up cause there was a line of people behind me waiting to punch and kick the bag I was standing at.  100 additional calories burned.  INSANE.  I.  LOVED.  IT.

We were also introduced to "Sally Squats" this week.  Which totally sucked and was totally awesome all at the same time.  If you can reconcile that.  There's nothing special to the "squat" part of this move.  It's just regular squats - but you do them to the Moby song, "Flower," which essentially just says "Bring Sally up" and "Bring Sally down" over and over again.  So you can guess what you do when each line is's an example on YouTube in case you want to know what it looks like - except we use bands during our squats.  I hear "Sally Pushups" are coming.  I survived Sally squats - barely - the thought of Sally pushups makes me want to puke!

And here's Wacky Sock Wednesday - Week 4.  I have to say that we 5am'ers are WEAK and UNIMAGINATIVE when it comes to our pose.  I think most of us are barely awake.  I blame that.  Also, you can see that my pondering on whether St Pat's Day socks constitute "wacky" did not have an impact to my sock wardrobe.  Still sportin' the shamrocks.

It might be premature to say this and I should probably save it until my Week 10 post, but I'm going to say it now anyway.  My life is changed.  I thought my life was changed before with the weight loss.  And it was.  Totally was.  But this exercise thing brings it to a whole new level of "changed."  I feel compelled to write this down.  I have to document this feeling of pride and strength and confidence because I have a long life ahead of me of trying to be healthy, eat right and exercise.  There is so much potential to slip at some time in the future and go backwards.  If that ever happens, I need to be able to read these posts and remind myself of this feeling so I'll be motivated to get back here.  This blog is a piece of my accountability. 


(speaking of reminders...I created a separate page on my blog with links to all my weight loss related posts so I can find them easier case you want to binge read about my journey, here it is.)

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