Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Lily's 4 Year Stats.

After two reschedules from the doctor's office, we finally had Lily's 4 year check up today.  You ready for this?  She's 3'8" tall - that's 98th percentile (I'm convinced this is the highest that they go and no child is every deemed 99% or 100%).  Weighs 40.6 pounds (clothed) - that's 85th percentile.  The other day, she was comparing "tallness" in our family and when Daddy told her that pretty soon she would be taller than Mommy, she laughed and laughed.  At this rate, it's probably only like 3 years away.  

What's going on with her:
  • She's a know-it-all AND she's stubborn.  
    • Lily:  I got this uh-razor from Ava today.  It's a butterfly.
    • Me:  Oh, you mean an eraser?
    • Lily:  No.  It's an UH-RAZ-ER.  You uh-raze with it.  That's what Ava said.
    • Me:  Honey, it's an eraser.  You erase with it.
    • Lily:  No.  Mommy.  You're wrong.
  • She learned how to tie knots.  (I wish she'd learn how to not tie them so tight.)  She's trying to figure out how to tie bows.  She's at least interested in learning, but just not coordinated enough to pull it off.  I see lace up shoes in her near future...
  • She can be totally independent getting dressed but most often chooses not to be.  We are actively working on this.  She's not allowed to have breakfast or watch TV on a school day until she gets dressed.  Similar situation with bath - I wind up washing her because she's lazy and I'm tired of being in the bathroom.  Working on that one too.
  • Her memory is outstanding.  Do not promise her something thinking she'll forget and you'll be off the hook.
  • She can write most of her upper case letters.  She still struggles a little with Y (it's usually more like a very big, backwards lower case Y) but she's getting better.  
  • She can count pretty good up to 29 on her own.  She gets a little tripped up with 30 but then can keep going until she reaches the next "10."
  • She loves to sing.  She wants to know the name of every song on the radio.  She sings along to many songs and tells me when a song is her favorite (she has several favorites).  She also tells me when a song is my favorite (which she totally decides on her own without input from me - perhaps she bases it on what I sing the loudest??)  She asked me the other day, after the abandoned dance class, when she could take singing lessons.  Hmmm....
  • She can still throw one hell of a tantrum, even though she insisted that once she turned four, she wasn't going to do that anymore.  LIAR!
  • Her little brain tries to reason and rationalize everything.  It's fun to try to keep up with her.
    • Lily:  Mommy, where did we buy Ellie?
    • Me:  Ellie was a gift from a friend at Mommy's work.
    • Lily:  When did we get it?
    • Me:  I got it before you were born - when you were still in my belly.
    • Lily:  Oh, so Ellie was yours before she was mine?  
    • Me:  Well, I guess so!  But I gave her to you as soon as you came out of my belly.
    • Lily:  Well, I couldn't play with her when I was in your belly anyway because I couldn't reach her.  So that's ok.  So Ellie was yours, and then mine, but I'm not giving her to Tyler. 

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