Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Brown Snakes

Lovin for Meme a few weeks ago.

Round two of teaching Whitney to knit.  She picked it right back up and is really, really good!

Tantrums and snot bubbles.   We have a lot of both in our house.


When I purchased this couch, I never thought of it as a house or a truck.  But it is according to these kiddos.  A LOT of time is spent in this corner of the couch, surrounded by pillows.  Sometimes they are in there whispering and conspiring and I LOVE IT.  Even when it has disastrous or messy consequences.  That's what being siblings is all about.

There might be a slight obsession with "Whitney Poses" in our house these days.  Lily is clearly very impressionable.

I'm ready to ask Whitney to move in with us.  She is SO GOOD with the kids.  Just her mere presence in the room alters their personalities.

Isn't this the most adorable thing you've ever seen?  At least for today, surely?

Josh and Marie kept the kids last weekend so Joel and I could shoot for a full night's sleep.  The kids did great and had a super time.  Whitney, the toddler whisperer, took great care of them including getting up with them at the obscenely early hour of 4am.  

This little girl did her own birthday thank you cards.  Teaching them young to be grateful.  (So if you were expecting a handwritten note from "Lily" detailing all that she is thankful for, I'm sorry to disappoint you.  Instead, you have her priceless, genuine autograph.)

Why is it that we are having so much trouble getting this little guy to sleep all night but he will randomly fall asleep playing?

Joel is such a patient Daddy.  Lily decorated his hair with ponytails.  

Lily's dance career is officially on hiatus.  There was a two week break over the holidays and ever since we started back in January, this is what happens when we get to the class.  For the days, hours, minutes, seconds leading up to the class, she is excited and wants to go.  But when it's time to officially start, she clams up, gets upset and asks to go home.  We tried 4 weeks in a row with the same result so I finally gave up.  I'm not paying $55 a month to spend 30 minutes a week trying to convince her to dance.  We might try again later this year (or never - whatever).

Tyler:  Need to go potty, Daddy.
Joel:  Ok.  (or something like that - I'm taking editorial liberties here - this part doesn't matter...)
Tyler:  Gonna make a brown snake
Joel:  Huh?
Tyler:  In the potty.
Joel:  Huh?
Tyler:  Got to make a brown snake in the potty, Daddy!

No clue how Tyler came to call pooping in the potty "making a brown snake" and I don't really much care cause he, in fact, DID make a brown snake in the potty!

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