Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, January 31, 2015

FXB Week 3

Three weeks down, y'all.  Let me tell ya, you do NOT want come across this gal in a dark alley. 

Ok, that might be exaggerating just a little but the point is, I feel stronger than I ever have in my whole life and it's only been 3 weeks (+3 weeks of T25).  I can't wait to see what 10 weeks will feel like!  

So how's it going?  GOOD.  

The kickboxing is far and away my favorite thing.  I love M-W-F kickboxing days.  There's just something about punching and kicking that bag while letting out a grunt or a yell that is so completely cathartic.  And sweaty.

T-Th-S band  Not my favorite.  However, that doesn't mean I'm not working hard in spite of not loving it.  In fact, I think I'm working even harder because I don't love it.  Like I have to teach that band who's boss or something.  I busted out the blue band for squats this week (that's the 4th level for those not in the "band know") and didn't even bring the yellow band (easiest one) to my spot on the mat this week on leg day.  That's progress!

Nutrition?  I'm coming in to it.  Still struggling on not sneaking a bite of chocolate here and there but for the most part I am being very good and staying away.  Joel had a big bowl of ice cream with a warm brownie in it the other night (all leftovers from Lily's birthday - you can believe I won't be replacing it once it's gone).  I thought I have might have a meltdown - full on crying tantrum.  But I remained strong and went and got some toast with cinnamon and some milk which kinda, almost felt like a dessert treat... Kinda.  Almost.  Sigh.  When is my Fun Day this week?  Oh yes, tomorrow.

I'm getting better at planning and prepping in advance.  I try to make up a bunch of fruit bowls all at once with my exact carb target so I can just grab and go.  In order to try to get back to the fruit I love so much, I've adjusted my meals so that as many of my carbs as possible come from fruit each day.  I keep a cheat sheet on the fridge for how many carbs are in 1/4c of each fruit.

I also fill up some baggies with veggies for a snack or a meal addition when I'm still hungry and I eat it with some Laughing Cow Light cheese (which I'm sure is considered way processed and not "clean" but I need a little something for flavor and that's low points/low carbs/low protein - a happy thing for both of my nutrition philosophies).  Tyler-man helped me out today putting my baggies together.

I hope to spend some time this weekend going through my WW recipes and finding the ones that are the most compatible with the clean eating, balanced protein/carb philosophy. One more tool in my arsenal for variety.

So what's not going well?  I'm tired.  I'm so tired.  4:15am wake up is rough.  I broke down and got a coffee one day this week.

I'm fine for most of the day, but by 5:00pm I'm tired, I'm cranky, my patience is low.  When you have two kids ages 4 and 2, running low on patience at the 5:00pm hour is no good.  By the time we put them bed at 7:30-8:00, I'm done.  And this past week has been a nightmare on bedtime with the kids - each of them taking their turn for a 45-60 minute scream fest (I supposed I should be grateful that they took turns).  So once we get through that, my nerves are so shot, I can't even watch TV much less do anything else.  Must sleep.  And to top that off, one or both of them wake up in the middle of night - waking both Joel and I and half the time neither of us go back to sleep.  So 4:15am wake up just became 2:30am wake up.  Yeeeeeeaaah. 

This is no good for my marriage, let me tell you.  Joel and I have no time together where one or both of us are not exhausted and/or frazzled which leads to snapping and bickering.  So that's why, at week 3, I'm already stressing about how I can keep doing this after week 10.  I love it.  I don't want to give it up, but I have to figure out something else cause this just won't work.  Maybe some miracle will occur in the next 7 weeks and the kids will mellow out and sleep better so that we can sleep better.  Yeah, let's hang on to that right now. 

I would apologize for my little b*tch fest there, but I'm too tired to be bothered.  :D

Week 3 Wacky Sock Wednesday (I got to thinking, since I wear St Patrick's day socks pretty much everyday of my life, would that be really be considered "wacky" when I wear them to FXB??  hmm, will have to ponder on this...)

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