Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

And Then Some Continued.

We got both kids a tablet for Christmas, even though we think Tyler's too little for one, because we really thought that would save our sanity.  We assumed that if Lily had one, Tyler would want one too and all the fighting would drive us crazy.  Well turns out he doesn't really care all that much.  He looks over Lily's shoulder every now again at what she's doing or watches for a minute if she's watching a video.  But for the most part, he couldn't care less.   So for now, Tyler's tablet remains in the box to be opened another day.  Maybe we can recycle it and give it to him for his birthday 9 months from now?  He might forget he already opened it.

I got a wild hair while we've been off work to start exercising.  Well it's not really that wild.  I'm actually signed up for Farrel's Extreme Bodyshaping (more on that later) which starts in another week or so and I thought it might be a good idea to do some exercising ahead of going there - maybe I will ward off a tiny bit of the soreness from the "extreme" workouts.  

Anyhow, the kiddos like to get in on the exercising action.  Which is a great unintentional consequence of me exercising at home.  They see me exercising so it becomes something built into their little baby brains that this is what is normal and maybe they will be better exercisers as they grow up.  Plus it burns off some energy so that's always a good thing.  AND it's really cute when Tyler works out in his underwears.

However, we don't really have a lot of space in our house so just finding a spot to exercise by myself isn't that easy.  Then you add Joel to the mix and it gets really hard.  THEN when the kiddos want to get in on it, we're really pressed for space.  

I don't know what you call these exercises, but the kiddos were really in to it.

We've been having these little picnics in the living room about once a week.  It's funny how much just a slight little change to routine perks the kids up.  Now we have another dinner guest at the table.

Had a few snuggles on the couch with my babes.

We've been to the inside playground several times on this vacation.  It's so much fun to go there now that I don't have to be up the kids' butts the whole time.  One of the trips Lily and Tyler were playing together and it was so fun to watch.  Lily would run and scream (and I mean SCREAM), "TYLER, YOU CAN'T GET ME!"   And then she'd giggle hysterically and take off running.  Tyler would do his best to keep up with her, but she'd lose him.  Then he'd come over to me and ask, "Where Sissy at, Mommy?"  So I'd show him where Lily was and he'd take off and sneak up on her and they'd both squeal with laughter.  This went on for a good 20 minutes and I just grinned ear to ear the whole time.

We always want what we can't have.  For Lily this week, that was curly hair.  We tried to give her some curly, kinky hair and now we've had crazy krimped hair for two days.  I have to say, it's actually pretty cute though the pictures aren't really doing it justice.

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