Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy (Miserable) New Years Day Bowling Adventure.

Happy New Year!  I can't believe our 16 consecutive days off of work is coming to an end in a few short hours.  Actually, I can.  It's been a long couple weeks and while I've thoroughly enjoyed the time off, I'm very much looking forward to getting back to a routine (which includes going to work).  It must be my OCD that craves routine...

Anyhow, on New Years Day, we wanted to do something fun with the kids.  I scavenged the internet for ideas including hunting for a jumpy house place and checking out the Children's Museum.  Well the nearest jumpy house place is 95 minutes away and the Children's Museum is super expensive (which is fine if you think you're kids will last more than 1.5 hours).  So we settled on bowling.

The kids had such a good time last Fall going with Grams and Uncle Jason (Lily even asked if they were going to come with us) that I thought this would be great fun.

The first great miserable disaster of "fun" for 2015 is more like it.  

Tyler was a total shit.  I mean a total shit.  You look at this face (in his upside down sunglasses) and it's hard to believe, I know, but we have most definitely entered the terrible twos.  Which is unfortunate because I feel like we JUST finished the terrible twos with Lily and she's about to turn four.  

Anyhow, Tyler was hitting, not listening, pushing buttons he was repeatedly told not to push, screaming "I NOT" at the top of his lungs when asked to do something he disagreed with.  Good thing bowling alleys are loud.  He reset the pins mid-turn, throwing Lily's bowling ball backward, nearly back to the beginning, but not quite such that we had to enlist the help of the SUPER GRUMPY OLD MAN who was the bowling alley worker to retrieve it.  You'd have thought we just committed capital murder and asked him to clean up after us or something.

About frame 5, things settled down a little and we all stopped screaming at one another.  That lasted until frame 8 where the yelling resumed.  I never wanted to be done bowling so bad in all my life.  

Despite the constant bickering, we got a few cute pictures.  If I didn't tell on myself in this blog and just posted pictures on Facebook, I'd look like I had the awesomest, most well behaved kids ever who never did anything wrong.  But the reality is, I'll never be one of those moms who gets their dinner paid for by the retired couple sitting at the next table over because they are so impressed with our angelic children.

We sent the kids to daycare each day that they were open last week.  Several times, I felt overwhelmed with guilt for sending them just so I could do whatever I wanted at home.  Like I would start crying and almost go pick them up.  ALMOST.  I had been toying with not sending them on Friday, but after Thursday bowling excursion from hell, there was no longer any question about whether I would be utilizing the daycare on this last day of "freedom."

I'm so glad I did, because on Saturday, Lily got sick.  Again.  So the last two days of vacation were kind of a bust spent trying to figure out how to make her feel better.  It's a different kind of sick than Christmas day though.  I was convinced it was flu and just needed to run its course.  Fever, chills, aches, no appetite.  But then today she started complaining of her eyes burning and she kept wiping them with a cold compress until she looked like this:

And then, green gunk started coming out of her eyes and they got even redder.  So we went to urgent care.  Turns out it's an ear infection and a sinus infection.  So, I'll be working from home tomorrow.  Nothing like being off work for 2 weeks and then having to tell your boss you can't come to work.

Meanwhile, my little shittin' two year is simultaneously the cutest friggin' thing I've ever seen and the most aggravating.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that there is such a thing as the terrible two's. I am currently battling a cranky two year old myself. I find the only few things that work for my kids is distraction or, especially if they are behaving badly in public is to simply leave and take them home. It usually surprises them into behaving.

    Yevette Behnke @ U.S. HealthWorks Modesto II
