Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Reason Number 437.

My husband is so crafty.  He should have a Pinterest page.

This was my Christmas present from him this year.  We had one of those lazy susan style spice ricks sitting on the counter (which he hated - primarily because no matter what it is, if it's on the counter, it's clutter and he hates clutter).  I didn't mind it cluttering the counter; however, it didn't hold half the spices that we regularly use and was (pre) filled with many spices we never use.  So kind of a waste... Those baskets pictured above on the shelf hold the rest of our spices but when you need one, you had to sort through a whole bunch of bottles and it was dumb.  

I guess the maybe some of the industrial engineer / 5S in me rubbed off on Joel and he came up with this idea to put a metal board on the back of the cabinet (painted in chalkboard paint) and use these little 2 oz jelly jars to hold all my spices.  They have a magnet on the lid and just stick up on that board.  Now they are labeled and easy to access (and the "clutter" is removed from the counter).

Pretty sweet, eh?  There are also some strips mounted under the cabinets in case I decide I want some that I use all the time (salt, pepper, etc) to be even MORE handy.  

So, reason number 437 why I have the best husband ever.

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