Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Let's see, now where was I?

The kiddos were invited to a birthday party for a pair of sisters at the daycare (one in Lily's class and one in Tyler's class).  It was at the gymnastics center and the kids had never been there before.  They had a GREAT time.  

Tyler is really bad at sleeping.  He just doesn't seem to understand that needs to stay in bed until 6:00am.  We are all over the place with this guy.  Some nights he's up at 1 or 2am and typically screaming for his Daddy, waking up the whole house.  He often yells until Joel comes in to put him back to bed.  Sometimes he lets me.  And then, regardless of whether he gets up in the middle of the night, he also often gets up by 5am.  And then we wrestle again to try to get him to stay in bed until 6am.  Sometimes he complies and sometimes he just throws a ginormous fit.  We do typically hold firm though and don't allow him to watch TV or eat breakfast until 6.  One day, recently, he got up and came out to the living room and then snuggled up on his Daddy's lap and promptly fell back to sleep.

This girl fixed her own hair.  Doesn't she look beautiful?

Sometimes these kiddos are so cute, playing together.  There's been several instances lately where I've found them shut up in the playroom for 20 minutes, playing and laughing together and NOT FIGHTING and it's amazing.  Then other times (most times, if I'm honest), one of them will be playing with something and the other one wants it and then they fight.  In this case, Tyler was "fixing" his train with his tools and Lily wanted to fix it too.  Well she was getting in Tyler's way and Tyler was in her way and it resulted in Tyler karate chopping Lily on the head with a his plastic saw.  And Joel stood back, silently, and caught the whole thing on video which we have since watched multiple times and laughed heartily.  

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