Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Catch Up and Week-In-Review

First things first - must catch the blog up with photos I nicked off Joel's phone.

These kiddos freely and willingly took some of their candy leftover from Lily's birthday party and filled up these Easter eggs for the daycare/church.  I figure we're essentially just trading some of our candy for new candy that the kids will get when they do the Easter Egg hunt in a few weeks.

Tyler wanted to get some books from his dresser so he drug the ladder (which I had forgotten to put away) over to his bookshelf.  Smart little dude, eh?  Lily then saw this as an opportunity to thief the Olaf from on top of his dresser.

If these pictures had a timestamp on them, it would say 5:29am.  Cause that's a totally appropriate time to do artwork in the playroom.

We love snuggling on the couch.

On Valentine's Day, the daycare had a parent appreciation breakfast.  It was a nice treat to get to eat with them!

These two were pretending to take a nap on the floor and were snuggling.  How stinking cute is that?

And that gets me all caught up from Joel's phone and on to this week.  And what a week it was!  I had a trying week with travel and Joel had a trying week flying solo with the kids. 

My travel was a nightmare.  I flew out of Indy early Monday morning – was headed for Memphis by way of Charlotte.  I landed in Charlotte to find out my flight to Memphis was cancelled due to the ice storm they were getting.  The airline couldn’t get me to Memphis until late Tuesday night – best case – and I decided I didn’t really want to hang out at the Charlotte airport for 2 days so I opted to return to Indy.  I get back to Indy around 3:30pm – my luggage did not arrive with me.  Awesome.  Talked to the agent and all he knows is it’s in Charlotte – but no one in Charlotte has eyes on it and he has no idea if it’s going to come back to Indy or head on to Memphis at the next available flight (since the bag was tagged for Memphis).  Okey-dokey!

So then I book another flight to Memphis (direct this time) on another airline for Tuesday morning.  Then I make the crappy drive back to Columbus on snow covered, slick roads.  I go straight to Walmart to basically restock all my toiletries since they were stranded somewhere in the Charlotte airport.

I get home around 6pm with dinner.  When I walked in the door Lily said “Is it four days already??”  The kids were not expecting me because they thought I was going to be gone for four days so they were somewhat excited.

There was 3 inches of snow on the ground and since it was the first snow, the kids were DYING to play in it.  We scrambled through dinner and got them suited up.  It was FREEZING but they were determined.  They had a great time.  The snow wasn't very wet so they had a rough time trying to make a snowman.  Joel improvised...

After snow, they enjoyed some hot chocolate.  

We get them off to bed without a hitch and I then go about packing a new bag for my early morning departure and redo at getting to Memphis.

I get off without a hitch on Tuesday morning.  Once I arrive, I spent pretty much the rest of the day making phone calls to see if the remaining 14 people I’m supposed to meet up with are actually going to make it to Memphis.  It was kinda miserable and stressful.

Meanwhile, Joel was having a MUCH more traumatic experience with the kiddos Tuesday morning.  Wouldn’t you know that they both decided to sleep in?  At 6:00am, neither of them were up yet.  THEY NEVER SLEEP THIS LATE.  NEVER.  Well, when our kids don’t wake up naturally on their own, they are in HORRIFIC moods.  Especially Lily.  She fought Joel every step of the way.  Wouldn’t get dressed for anything.  At one point, Joel is putting Tyler in the car and Lily is standing in her underwear and bare feet in the driveway screaming (recall we had 3 inches of snow and it’s sub-zero temperatures outside).  He finally wrestles her in to some clothes, gets them school and gets in to work 15 minutes.  So for all his troubles with the kiddos, he’s awarded with an occurrence at work. 

Fast forward to the end of the day of and the kids pretty much pick right up on where they left off.  Joel sent me a video of Lily screaming, slamming doors and throwing things.  “I WANT MOMMY!”  I think part of the reason this happened is because I came back unexpectedly on Monday night and then left again early Tuesday before they got up.  Talk about gut-wrenching Mommy guilt.  Joel said the kids took turns screaming and yelling all evening with only about a 15 minute respite the whole time. 

To top all that off, Tyler crapped in the bathtub.  He’s never done this.  Never.  Not even as a little baby.

Wednesday was a lot better with no tantrums so that was a relief for Joel but then Wednesday night Tyler got up at 11pm, 3am, 4:45am.  Then Lily got up at 5am and had wet through her pull up so her sheets were wet.  Then Tyler got up too.  So, Thursday morning, while there was no fighting, there were plenty of other disturbances – at least no one was screaming.

Joel was exhausted.  I felt like crap for not being there.  Nobody wins.  They did at least go and enjoy some pizza together on Thursday night.  There is just something about this place that seems to set things with with the world!

And, I had a stroke of luck with my luggage.  My colleague also flew in to Memphis late Tuesday morning and I had to pick him up from the airport.  I checked on my luggage and found out that it was en route to Memphis from Charlotte!  It arrived about the same time as my colleague so I was able to retrieve it!  Yes!  I suppose something was bound to go in my favor!

And the last installment for today is that we sent Lily off on vacation to Grams house for the week so we could work with Tyler on his sleep issues.  See, when Tyler wakes up at 2am, 3am, 4am - whatever - we end up doing whatever he wants us to do just to try to keep him quiet so he doesn't wake Lily up.  Well 7+ months of this and we are throwing our hands in the air and calling and intervention.  It's ridiculous.  We're tired.  This has to stop.  

So we're taking this week to work with him on this.  We've put a baby gate at his door.  We plan to leave his door open so that he doesn't feel as trapped, but he is not allowed to come out of his room (unless it's to potty) until it's wake up time.  And if he screams, he screams.  We have to find a way for him to realize that when mean it when we say 5am is not wake up time.  Locking him in his room just scared him.  At least this way, even though he's still stuck in his room, he can see out so maybe he won't be frightened and will just go back to bed.  

Wish us luck.

Meanwhile, I'm missing Lily like crazy.  Since I was gone most of the week and then took her Mom on Friday night, I've hardly seen her and now I won't see her until next Saturday.  I'm a little Lily-sick.  

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