Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, October 5, 2013

You can't leave 'em for a SECOND!

Notice the dirt around the mouth.... who knows how much he ate before I got to him!

This morning may be the beginning of the end of an era.  For the first time in the history of the big girl bed, Lily got out of bed this morning when she was ready to get up (about 7:30).  She has never done that.  Ever.  She always just stays in her bed and starts calling for someone to come in her room so she can get up.

I heard her pad down the hallway to the living room looking for us.  When she didn't find us, she came into our bedroom and told us that Tyler was ready to get up (he was fussing and standing up in his crib). 

After her nap, she did the same thing.  When she woke up, she came out of her room on her own.  I have no concern about her doing this - as long as it's an acceptable time to be getting up!  I just fear she'll starting getting up at 5am!  She's getting better at learning her numbers so we'll have to teach her that she can't come out of her room unless her clock starts with a 7!

We also took Tyler's pacifier away today.  He only ever got it at sleep times anyway, but we've decided it's time to take that away too.  So for both naps and then bed time tonight, he didn't get it.  He's cried for 10-15 minutes each time before finally giving up and falling asleep.  Normally, with his pacifier, he might cry 10-15 seconds, if that, when putting him to bed.  So we'll see how this goes, but Joel and I are believers in the cold turkey method.  Poor fella - what mean parents!

Tyler took 3-4 good steps (not stumbling/falling steps, but actual steps) for Joel today and he did it again for me.  He's getting close!

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