Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, October 27, 2013


We had a really gorgeous afternoon today so we let the kiddos carve their pumpkins. 

I tried to get Tyler to dig around in there and get the guts out.

He contemplated it for a second or two, but he wasn't too interested in sticking his hand inside.
Lily drew the face on her pumpkin and then helped Daddy cut it out.

Tyler held on to that scraper like he might stick his hand in there.....but he never did.  Lily wanted to cut by herself but Daddy said he had to help.

Lily didn't hesitate for a minute before she said she was NOT touching that yucky stuff on the inside.

And the finished product!   

I only had to tell Tyler one time to stay out of the seeds we'd pulled out.  And he only tried to take one bite of discarded pumpkin.  He immediately spit it back out.  I guess raw pumpkin doesn't taste that good.
It was so nice this afternoon, we played for a while after we finished the pumpkins.

Photo creds go to Lily on these next shots.

Tyler looks petrified.

Tyler was really fussy all day yesterday and off and on today.  I don't know what's going on with him.  He is getting 2 more teeth so maybe that's what's bugging him.  Though, I give him teething gel and/or tablets and that doesn't seem to make a difference.
Ever since he was sick, his appetite has been suppressed.  It's picked back up a little in the last few days, but with DRAMITICALLY reduced variety.  He won't eat meat of any kind, hardly any vegetables, rarely any breads (crackers or otherwise).  He has been eating the crap out of a cantaloupe that I bought and it's not even a good one!  Occasionally he'll eat peas or a bite or two of banana.  He's been living off of yogurt, out-of-season cantaloupe and applesauce. 
Except one night last week, he had been SUPER fussy so we put him to bed around 6:30pm (and he had only eaten about 2 bites of dinner).  A couple hours later he woke up screaming his head off right after Joel and I had made a few chocolate chip cookies (a vice I just can't seem to give up).  Tyler took one look at those cookies and he started grunting and whining and reaching for them!  So I had to share.
That's chocolate on his face.
About 15 minutes later, he was ready to go back to bed!  I guess he just needed a little chocolate fix.  Don't we all?
He also has no problem eating these "spinach cheddar" Cheeto things.  He dug them out of the diaper bag one evening and went to town.  At least he was offering me one after he got busted.
Tyler is still at only 4 words.....well maybe 4.5 words.  Today while we were taking pictures of the pumpkins, we were saying "Say Cheese!"  And of course Lily was pulling a great big "CHEEEEEEEESE" face and Tyler started going "EEEEEEEEEESE."  Too cute.
His sign language is going well.  He's very good at doing "more" without me showing him first.  We're trying to get "milk" down but he's not really consistently doing that one.  I'm also doing "eat" but he's not getting that one yet.
We got the new stove installed this week!  You'd think that would be the most exciting thing.  But no, it turns out that the BOX that the stove came in was the most exciting thing.  The kids have been playing with that like crazy.  The first couple days, Lily just wanted to be in the box with it all closed up.  Eventually we cut a door and a window in it.  It's slowly starting to lose it's appeal so probably it will go out with the trash at the end of this week.  A fun distraction while it lasted!
And here's a couple pics from last weekend that I just found on the camera.  Meme and Papaw were giving pony rides.  The kiddos just eat. that. up!


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