Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, October 18, 2013

My Little Work Helper

Tyler has had a mild fever (100.0 +/- 0.5 degrees) since Wednesday afternoon.  I stayed home with him yesterday and today so that he could get some rest since he doesn't sleep very well at daycare.


When he wasn't sleeping, he was fussy. Today he wanted to sit on my lap (and bang on the keys of my computer).  Luckily he slept a lot this afternoon so I could get some work done!

In other developmental news, we've been working on sign language with him.  We had long since abandoned sign language with by this age.... but Lily was up to nearly 100 words by now.  Tyler's still at 4 and really he doesn't even use those 4 words that often.  But, he seems to be picking up on the sign language really well!  Today, unprompted he signed "more" during lunch when I was feeding him yogurt.  When he appeared to be done eating I asked him if he was "all done."  Then I tried to give him another bite and he shook his head no and did the "all done" sign.  Tonight at dinner, Lily hollers, "Look!  He's doing milk!"  Sure enough, he was making the milk sign, although we think it was just a coincidence because he didn't actually want his milk.  We'll have to keep trying that one because he'll probably catch on to it pretty quickly.  
Tonight, Lily was "super super duper duper DUPER" cute!  (That was one of her favorite things to say tonight.)  She was all wound up and talking, talking, talking non-stop.  She was playing pretend about 47 different things and I could hardly keep up with her.  She was "shopping" and "going swimming" and putting Diego in time out for hitting Ellie and she was getting candy for everyone and serving it out of empty shoe boxes. 
I didn't take any pictures of Lily tonight, so here's one from a week or so ago in her Doctor coat.

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