Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Festival, (15 year reunion), Holiday World, Pumpkin Patch

This past weekend, we headed to Evansville because it was Fall Festival time and my 15 year high school reunion was happening.  I can't believe it but I didn't take ANY pictures of the reunion festivities.  Which is such a shame because I looked hot.  H-O-T hot.  Just sayin'.....

We hit up the Fall Festival twice..... a pregnant ladies dream world (not me) and a dieting woman's WORST NIGHTMARE (yep, that's me).  My prediction going in to the long weekend was a gain of 6 pounds.  I was close.  I gained 5.4 pounds.  In 3.5 days.  And the sad part is, I really held back!  I didn't even eat everything I wanted (or have eaten in years past....).  Sigh. 

We took the kiddos to the pet parade on Saturday morning.  The paper said the parade started at 9 so we got there about 8:30 to get a seat.  The parade didn't start until after 10:00 so you can imagine the natives were getting restless and it was a bit challenging to keep them entertained.  So we took lots of pictures to pass the time!

We walked around a bit.

We melted down a little bit...

We hung out on Daddy's shoulders.

Grams was walking/running/dancing/spinning/singing up and down the street with Lily.

And FINALLY, it was time for the parade to start!!

The kiddos were very excited to see Elmo....

And a whole crew of Duck Dynasties impersonators.....

All that waiting and the parade lasted approximately 10 minutes.'s worth it, right?? 

After the parade was over we got some grub.  Tyler of course ate EVERYTHING.  Lily had some corn on the cob and we convinced her to try a corn fritter by telling her it was a pancake.  And then we convinced her to try a Monster Ear by telling her it was a donut.  And she tried a deep fried Oreo, well because it was an Oreo.  No convincing needed.  And now you can see how I gained 5.4 pounds in 3.5 days.  Ha!

On Sunday, we made a stop at Holiday World for Happy Halloween Weekend since we still had some free tickets. 

We met up with Grams, Katie, Brandon, Ayden (Minion #1) and Mackenzie  (Minion #2).

First up, the carousel.  Lily wouldn't have anything to do with it.  Screamed her head off - so she and I sat that one out.  Joel took Tyler on the ride.  I think Tyler was ok until the carousel got up to speed and then he was over it.

Lovins for Grams!

Then we hit up the Fairy Tale choo choo train.  Again, Lily screamed her head off and DID NOT want to ride it.  But I dragged her (literally kicking and screaming) on to the train.  Once she found out that she would see Humpty Dumpty and Little Bo Peep, she calmed down a little.

Next up:  Tea Cups!

And the playground!

And for the one brave little soul, the roller coaster!

And then the Jeeps.

And then, the moment Lily was waiting for all day: Trick or Treating!  She started out the day dressed as Doc McStuffins, but had to strip down due to the heat before we got to the Trick or Treating.  That girl was IN to it.  She was saying "Trick or Treat" and "Thank you" every time.  So cute.

Tyler had pretty much been ready to leave for, oh, two hours, so as soon as we finished getting the goodies, we hit the road!

Today was pumpkin patch day with the kids' daycare.  Lily has been looking forward to it for a week!  Tyler got to go too!  We went to Hackman's where we learned about all kinds of weird pumpkins, squash and gourds.

They had several animals there for petting.  Lily really loved looking at the animals but she was NOT interested in touching them.  Tyler on the other hand wanted to pet everything!

Trying to take their picture together, in a posed fashion, is like hunting for unicorns.  Completely fruitless, never gonna be successful.

There was an attempt to get a group shot of all the daycare kiddos.  I took about 17 pictures and this was the best shot. 

This pumpkin patch had not only a corn maze (which wasn't really a maze so much as a REALLY LONG trail through some corn) but also a small hay bale maze.  Lily thought it was a real hoot!

And finally, time for the hayride to find our pumpkins!

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