Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, June 22, 2014


Lily's been asking me for weeks now, "Can we go swimming at Grams house?"  

So we finally did!

I took a half day off on Friday with the awesome plan that if I left right after lunch, the kiddos would be ready for nap and would sleep for most of the ride.  Yeah, well, best laid plans and all of that..... I get on the interstate only to go about 1 mile before getting backed up in construction traffic.  Lost about 15 minutes there.  Then get going again only to get about 30 more miles down the road and then basically parked my car on the interstate for 45 minutes due to a jack knifed semi.  

Of course, as expected, the kids fell asleep right away and slept through all the traffic standstills.  But woke up promptly as we started moving again and proceeded to fight, argue and whine the rest of the way.  They are not patient travelers and I'm pretty sure if you look up "MISERY" in the dictionary, you'll find a photo of me and my kiddos travelling in a car together.  

We finally get to Grams, 90 minutes later than expected (cause 1 hour of traffic delays yields an unplanned 30 minute potty stop), and make a beeline for the pool.  Which is where we spent the majority of the rest of our weekend.  I can't believe I got no pictures of the cousins. 

Mom had let the pool get to about the lowest water level it can be and still run properly.  This way, the three oldest kiddos could touch bottom with no problem.  For a lot of the time, Lily didn't have any flotation devices and she was fine.  The rest of the time she had on arm wings or just a ring and swam around fine.

Tyler did best in this Puddle Jumper thing.  He was fearless.  Swimming all over, going under the water and never batting an eye about it.  In fact, he grinned the whole time.  He jumped off the side of the pool.  He wasn't scared one single bit.  

Mom had the near impossible task of trying to feed 6 grandkids of varying picky-ness levels AND three daughters all on diets with varying picky-ness levels.  She did a bang up job.  Delicious, healthy food all weekend to keep us all on track.  My mom rocks.

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