Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Is it still Happy Father's Day?

We love Popsicles in our house.  See?

Whew, what a weekend!  I am sunburned and exhausted.  But it's a good kind of exhausted.

Friday night, we took a Bronco ride to a fish fry at the volunteer fire department down the road.  It was the first time I had been in the Bronco with the kids.  They were so stinkin' cute.  Laughing and giggling and yelling "BRONCO!" After the fish fry, we went to play at a playground near our house.  After about 20 minutes, Lily's goes, "I gotta pee!  I gotta pee!"  And she's grabbing herself.  There's not a potty nearby so we tell her we have to go home to pee.  She kept going back "one more time!" and I thought we were going to have an accident before convincing her we needed to go home.

Saturday morning started at the ridonkulously early hour of 4:30 when Lily came to our room.  "I don't want to sleep in my bed."  So she crawls in to ours and then proceeds to have a wicked episode of restless body syndrome and flops all over my head.  At 5:00 I give up and we go to the couch.  She watches Brave and I try to sleep some more.  What a silly idea.

I did the Girlfriend Ride that morning.  I really love this ride.  25k.  Lots of chocolate (including purple chocolate!).  Lots of laughs.  

While I was riding all around the outskirts of Columbus, Joel, Josh, Lily and Tyler were tearing down our yard barn.  By the time I got home, it was all torn apart and half hauled away!  

Saturday afternoon, Lily went to hang out with Ana and Tammy.  Tyler and I dropped her off and it took almost 30 minutes before I could get out of there.  Lily was terrified of me leaving her there by herself which is a pretty common theme ever since we got back from vacation.  Eventually Tyler and I snuck out when Lily was distracted.  Later that night, after she came back home, she said, "Mommy, I didn't even know you left!  But I didn't cry!"  She was pretty proud of herself for not crying.  

When we dropped Lily off, Ana had mentioned taking Lily for ice cream.  Well Tyler heard this and said "ice cream" no less than 47 times before we left their house.  I promised him I would take him to get some ice cream after we left.  First we ran a quick errand to Lowe's to get Daddy his final Father's Day gift.  

After that I said, Tyler are you ready for ice cream?  And he said, "COOKIE!"  I said, "You mean ice cream?  Do you want ice cream?"  "COOKIE!!"  "Tyler, do you want a cookie or ice cream?"  "COOKIE!!"

So we went to Target (needed a couple things from there anyway) and got Tyler his "COOKIE!!"  It was about as big as his face.  He ate the whole thing.  

Sunday morning, the kiddos let us sleep in.  Until 6:00.  How nice!  Joel went to get Tyler up and Lily came in to bed with me.  I told her to go tell her Daddy "Happy Father's Day!"  She did and it was sweet.  Several times throughout the day, she asked us if it was still "Happy Father's Day."

The children were not on their best behavior for the start of Father's Day.  No one wanted to listen or eat their food.  We had a bit of bickering and batting at each other.  A little yelling thrown in (by everyone).  A short reprieve when it was present opening time.  The babes are always a big help when it comes to opening presents.  

Joel's been wanting some of these Vibram FiveFinger running shoes for a long time and that's what he got!  These things are so weird.  They look kind of creepy on his feet!

When we first got up, Joel mentioned riding our bikes over the nice big playground to let the kids play.  But then when the kids were acting like total sh*ts, he wasn't so sure he felt like riding over there with them.  I said, "Look, they're going to be little sh*ts so we might as well just go cause we're going to hear it either way.  At least if we're outside, the noise isn't bouncing off the walls and making us insane."  

"He's touching me!  He's touching me!  EHHHHHH!!"

But once we got there, they had a ball.

On the way home from the playground, Tyler passed out in the trailer.  At one point, we pulled over just to check on him, cause his little helmeted head just kinda bobbed around back there and looked kinda scary.  

When we got home, Joel grilled himself his Father's Day lunch.  Lily asked if we could eat outside.  Beautiful day?  You bet we can eat outside!

After lunch and playing in the backyard, it was time for nap for the kids and time to mow the yard for the grown ups.  Got the yard done just in time for the kids to get back up again play in the water for a while.  Easily their favorite past time.  

We decided at the last minute to go out to the Mexican joint for supper so we scrambled to get baths and showers and get out the door.  We get the restaurant and it's not open.  This is the second time in recent history we've gone there on a Sunday to find it's closed.  Apparently we need to take a hint.  So we decided to drive all the way across town to the other Mexican joint and it's been closed for good.  Well crap.  So I remember a Chicago style pizza place that's been open a few months and we end up going there.  Holy crap, the pizza was amazing.  

Even better.... the KIDS were amazing.  I don't know what happened, but all we can figure is that they were giving us one final Father's Day gift.  The gift of a peaceful, even ENJOYABLE dinner.  They both gobbled down the pizza and didn't fight us or each other.  We were so happy with their behavior we pushed our luck and took them out for frozen yogurt too.  Absolutely sure one of them would melt down.  BUT THEY DIDN'T.  

It was most definitely STILL Happy Father's Day.  

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