Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Tyler's 15 months old.

Tyler had his 15 month check up on Monday.  He's perfect.  Of course.

The Stats:
Length 31 inches (50%)
Weight 24.44 pounds (50%)

We switched him up to the 18 month ginormous tub of clothes a couple weeks ago.  This kid seriously has enough clothes from his cousins to probably only have to wear each outfit once.  Maybe twice.  It's pretty ridiculous.

Sleeping habits: 
Bedtime at 7:30.  Sleep until anywhere from 6-7:30 depending on the day.  Now that he's in daycare, he only gets one nap a day for 2 hours.  And, frankly, it's not enough.  On the weekends, he almost always takes two naps.

Eating habits:  
He still eats really well.  His favorites are beans, waffles, cereal, breakfast bars (notice the breakfast theme), anything cookies/cakes/candies/sweets.  In the meat department, he eats chicken, pork and brats.  He's probably eat steak if we ever cooked that in our house.  Veggies:  sweet potatoes, corn, peas, green beans.  Fruit:  oranges, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, banana, grapes, apple, pretty much everything we offer.  He likes rice as long as it's flavored some how (like Mexican rice). 

He can feed himself with a spoon!


Activity/Play time:  
He's walking a lot now - probably on the verge of walking as much as crawling.  He plays really good by himself and where Lily is involved, he pretty much wants to play with whatever she's playing with (and vice versa).  He likes to play with cars and makes "vroom" sounds when he rolls them.  He loves to dump things out and then pick them back up (like a bucket of blocks).

He loves to climb on everything.  He will climb up into one of the dining room chairs, no problem, and then tries to climb up on the table.

He doesn't know any of his body parts yet.  That was the main "test" he failed at the doctor.  She seems little disappointed that Tyler doesn't know where his nose is yet.  Oh well.  However, he does help me when I'm getting him dressed.  As in, if I tell him to "give me your arm" so I can put it in his shirt, he does.  If he has something in his hands and I tell him to "switch hands," he will.  So he understands instructions and probably even some body parts.  He just doesn't point them out when you ask "Where's your nose?"

He gets in to everything we don't want him messing with.  Joel comments all the time that when Lily was little, if he told her not to mess with something, she listened and only had to be told once, maybe twice.  Not Tyler.  He has to be told once, maybe twice, every 5 minutes not to mess with something. 

He says "ball," "da-da," and "bye-bye" the most often.  There are a few other words that are starting to become clearer like "tree" (since we put up the Christmas tree). 
He grunts and points and definitely communicates questions with the way that his voice inflects. 
He can sign "more" and "all done" and uses them pretty often, though most of the time, we initiate it.


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