Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, December 6, 2013

Snow Day. And, he's walking. For real this time.

We had the first snowfall of the season today!  And it was a doozy.  We got a little snow overnight - maybe an inch or two - and some ice.  So the cars were frozen shut this morning.  And then it snowed and snowed and snowed.

Before I get too far into talking about the details of the day, I want to open up with the fact that as of today, I'm claiming that Tyler is officially walking more than he is crawling!  That little dude walked like crazy today!  I should have put my pedometer on him. 

 The day started with me running the kiddos to the doctor because I was worried that Lily had a UTI.  She was screaming every time she had to pee.  Screaming and shaking like a leaf. 
She wouldn't pee in a cup for the doctor so they couldn't run a test to positively confirm the diagnosis.  So they just went with my description of the symptoms and prescribed an antibiotic.
While I was in the doctor, the snow had started falling again and I was concerned that the daycare might not be open or might not stay open all day.  I called and they confirmed they were open for the moment but likely to close soon. 
So, it really was a snow day for me and the kids. 
Since I needed to wait a few minutes before getting Lily's prescription, I killed some time by hitting up the McDonald's drive through so I could get a diet coke.  I got the kiddos some hotcakes and nothing to eat for myself.  Do you even KNOW how hard it was for me to skip the sausage biscuit?  But I did.  And I'm pretty proud of that (42+ pounds lost to date!). 
After getting the prescription, we headed home.  I tried to work while the kiddos played.  I got some things done but it wasn't easy.  Kids require a lot of attention, ya know?
At one point, Lily had gotten out every single puzzle, card game, matching game and flash card that she owns and put all those individual pieces in one bucket.  It took me FOREVER to sort it all back out (only to have her do it again this evening while I was cooking dinner).  I don't like that game.
Lily had put this baby doll table clip on seat on this toy and was singing, singing, singing away to Ellie while playing the "piano."  Soooo cute.

Lily was begging me all day to go outside in the snow, but I told her she had to wait until after nap when Daddy got home.  Which today happened to be at the exact same time.  As soon as she woke up, she was looking for her "snow clothes."
While I love the idea of taking the kids out in the snow, the actual practice of doing it, is torture for me.  Putting all that gear on, to be outside for 5-10 minutes, to come in and now have puddles of wet clothes to deal with.... sigh. 
But, look at this face....
... how could I NOT take them out there?
20 minutes later and we're all dressed up and ready to play!

Three minutes after that, Lily was ready come back inside. 

Catching snow on her tongue.

It was still snowing when we were out there.

If I had to guess, I would say there was 7-8 inches out there at 4:00 this afternoon.

Joel built a massive, 4-tiered snowman.

Ok, not really that massive. 

It really wasn't great snow for packing.... it all just sort of fell apart when I tried to form a ball.

I think we ended up out there for about 20 minutes total. 
This afternoon, Lily was playing in my "office" and found my cowboy hat.  She wore it half the evening and called herself a cowgirl.

Here's a girl who's in love with her Daddy.

And sometimes, she likes me too.

 Tyler got in on the hat action too.  Howdy pardner.

And this face happened because I wouldn't let him have the camera lens cap.  Horribly mean Mama.


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