Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Presents for Haley.

This year, the group that I work in raised some money to buy gifts for 10 children in need this Christmas. Joel and I donated money, but I also volunteered to be a "team leader," which means that I was responsible for buying gifts for a 4-year-old little girl named Haley.

I spent more time buying for this little girl than I have spent on buying for the entire rest of my family. I just kept thinking, this girl has nothing, and I wanted every penny I was given to spend on her to really count.
One of the times I went shopping for Haley, I took Lily with me. The whole point of that trip was for Haley. I was trying to explain to Lily that we were buying presents for a little girl that didn't have very many clothes or toys and she needed our help. Lily found all kinds of things she wanted (for herself) but I reminded her that we were shopping for Haley. She got in to the spirit of it after a while and was putting all sorts of goodies in the cart - for Haley. I let Lily pick out some clothes, socks, scarf/hat, coat, barrettes and little Hello Kitty purse. I hope Haley likes purple cause many of those things had a purple theme running throughout.
Yesterday, my work group got together for a party to wrap all the gifts. I picked Lily up from daycare and took her with me so she could see the rest of the process and help wrap presents for Haley. She really got in to it and wrapped several presents!
She fell asleep on the way there.  It was nap time so I was glad she got a 15 minute power nap in.

She really wanted to do the wrapping and taping herself.

And didn't care too much for me trying to distract her to take a picture.

She may have used a little more tape than most people... you know, on second thought, there were a bunch of men involved in this activity so I'm willing to bet she probably didn't use much more tape than they did.

Sort of cheese face....

Mommy and Lily... CHEESE!

I want this to be a family tradition for us. This year, we did it through work, but in upcoming years, when the kids get older, I may shift to adopting a family ourselves and all of us going out and getting all the gifts together.

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