Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Don't look at the poop.

Ever feel like you're getting so far behind that you don't even know where to begin to catch up?  That's how I feel right now.  With this blog, with work, with knitting projects, with Christmas shopping, with the blog book... and on and on and on.  Just not enough time in the days to accomplish all I want/need/desire to complete.  So, I'll just mention some random things and do my best to catch up over the next few days.

I'll start with a funny story.  In the last several weeks, Lily has become obsessed with making sure that no one looks in the toilet when she poops.  "Don't look at the poop.  Look over there.  We don't look at poop.  We only look at pee."  I have no idea if she made this up herself or if it came from daycare.  I'm envisioning a bunch of near 3 year olds standing around a toilet checking out someone's poop and one of the teachers saying, "We don't look at the poop!" Sometimes the conversation takes this turn:  "Mommy, you don't like poop?  You only like pee?  Daddy likes poop."  This child cracks me up.
Isn't she beautiful?

As of this week, I want to say that Tyler is really starting to walk more and more.  He's not walking huge distances, but he's choosing to at least try to walk the few steps from one thing to another rather than immediately plop down and crawl.  I give him another month or so and then maybe he'll be ready to walk full time.
He does like walking behind things, like Lily's baby stroller.  He also likes climbing up in to Lily's baby stroller.  Crazy dude.

Lily made me a bracelet a week or two ago.  She makes the funniest faces for pictures.

Meanwhile, Joel was distracting Tyler from the colorful tiny choking hazards, I mean beads, by playing with him on the couch.  Which caused his hair to get a little static-y.
Speaking of funny face Lily pictures....

And one more for tonight.  My happy, handsome son.  I'm one lucky Mama.

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