Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Tyler crawls and claps on the same day!

When I walked in to Tyler's room at daycare today, Tyler was sitting on the floor smiling so big and clapping his hands!  It was adorable!!  I don't know if he has clapped before at daycare but he hasn't at home.  So I'm going to just assume that today is the first day he's figured out how to clap - that way I can claim to have seen this milestone on the day it happened!

And if that's not enough for one day, Tyler's officially on the move!  It's slow going with just one, two or three little "crawls" at a time before he moves back to his butt, but he's definitely on his way!  Tonight we were on the floor playing with the kids - I was focused on something Lily was doing and Joel says, "He's crawling!!  He's crawling!!" and I look up and sure enough he took a little crawl move.  I scrambled around trying to find my phone so I could capture it on video.  I didn't get a very good one but at least it's something!

He's so stinkin' cute.  I can't even stand it.  He went from about zero interest in crawling to getting on the move in just over a week.  By the weekend, he'll be moving so fast I won't be able to keep up!

I have to also write down a few things that Lily has been saying that is so cute and I don't want to forget them.

1)  Lasterday.  "Remember lasterday when we ... (fill in the blank)?"

2)  Same same.  "See, Dora on my panties and Dora on my shoes.  Same same!"  "Daddy has an apple and I have an apple.  Same same!"  "Mommy has a flower and I have a flower.  Same same!"

3)  Boops.  I've mentioned this one before but today she said, "I put milk in this bottle so the baby can drink it.  It's pretend.  But Tyler drinks milk from your boops.  This boop and this boop [as she points to each boob].  I don't drink milk from your boops, Mommy."  I totally should have gotten one of those books that helps you describe to older siblings what you're doing when you're breastfeeding.  Maybe then I would have been smart enough not to use words like "boobs."  Ha!

4) Pretend.  See above for example but she's very big on "pretending" these days.  "It's for pretend."  "We can pretend."  "Just pretend, Mommy."  She always uses it in the right context and it's so cute.

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