Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Some Tyler Milestones and a Random Act of Kindness

Tyler pulled himself up to standing at the daycare on Monday!  He was playing in front of this cube that is about 18 inches tall and apparently wanted to get to something on the top side of it and pulled himself up!  This coming from the boy that has shown very few signs or interest in crawling! 

We've tried recreating this event at home but, so far, Tyler will just pull himself up to his knees.  But he can stand a long while, though, once he's up!

Another milestone that's happened in the last week or so is when you approach Tyler and put your arms out to him, he raises his arms up to be picked up.  I love this milestone but I think Joel loves it even more than me.  He's been waiting for it for a while now (he did the same thing with Lily).  It's so simple, but for some reason, just pulls at my heart.  Maybe it's the recognition (in a non-screaming way) from the baby that he wants you or needs you.  So sweet.

And lastly, Tyler's other bottom front tooth FINALLY poked through the gums today!  Yay!  That poor baby has been working on those teeth forever.  At least 6 weeks, if not longer.  So on the one hand, I'm happy they are finally through the gums and might not bother him so much now.  On the other hand, I'm nervous for "the girls" - hopefully I don't lose any body parts!! 

Speaking of, some interesting Lily conversation tonight...
Lily:  "Are those your boops, Mommy?  Daddy, do you have boops?" 

I received a Mother's Day gift from Lily today!  I tried to get a picture of her with it, but she couldn't be bothered to tear her eyes away from Dora.  We only let her watch one per day so I guess she didn't want to waste the opportunity.  That light colored thing is a sprig of lilac from the bush in our front yard.  It smells SO good.  You can smell it all the way across the room!

This morning I had a craving for a sausage biscuit from McDonald's, so I hit the drive through on my way to work.  They have dual ordering lanes and myself and the lady next to me approached the "merge" point at the same time.  I waved her on in front of me.  She smiled at me and nodded her head.  When I got up to the window, the cashier told me that the lady in front of me bought my meal! 

I couldn't believe it!  "Wow!!  That was so nice!! People actually do that?!" I said to the cashier.  "It happens all the time." she said.  By the time this all sinks in, the lady in front of me had gotten her food and drove away so I didn't even get to give her a "thank you wave" in her rear view mirror.  Then I pull up to the food window and it occurs to me that maybe I should have paid for the person behind me!

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