Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, May 5, 2013

8 months old!

A couple days ago someone asked me how old my baby was and I said, "7, wait! EIGHT months!"

Length:  28.75 in  (83rd percentile)
Weight:  19.6 lbs  (50th percentile)

He hasn't gained any weight in the last month but I think he actually lost some when he was sick a couple weeks ago and not eating much and then gained it back.

Sleeping Habits:  About half the time, Tyler sleeps all night and the other half the time he wakes up and cries for a while and I usually give in and give him his pacifier.  Sometimes, like this past weekend when we travelled, Tyler wakes up in the middle of the night wanting to eat.  Tyler still isn't napping very well at daycare.  Usually a couple 30 minute naps per day.  At home on the weekends he gets in two really good naps - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  Usually they are 90-120 minutes long. 

Eating habits:  I am still nursing Tyler in the morning and in the late afternoon or early evening.  About two weeks ago, I cut out the late evening (10pm) feeding - at least most nights.  Sometimes I feel full so I end up feeding him.  Or he wakes up a little and I go ahead and feed him.  He is eating a stage 2 fruit in the morning, a vegetable at lunch and either a fruit, vegetable or meat for dinner.  He also finally started eating yogurt melts and puffs about 2 weeks ago.  He hasn't quite figured out how to feed them to himself yet but he does enjoy them when someone else feeds them to him!

Activities:  Tyler hasn't really made any moves to crawl yet that I have noticed.  He can scoot on his butt a little bit when he's trying reach something and once or twice I've seen him get his knees underneath him but he immediately goes back to his belly.  He's figured out how to spit and blow spit bubbles which is simultaneously cute and gross.

Talking:  He "talks" a lot.  Tons of babbling and recently he's started with "mum-mum-mum-mum" sounds - mostly when he's upset!  We'll see if we have another early talker on our hands!

It's hard to believe that I have a 27 month old and an 8 month old.  The time goes by so fast!!

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