Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The best kept secret in Fonner sister HISTORY!

This past weekend, Lily, Tyler and I headed to Evansville for a visit with Grams and Jason, Aunt Jenny and Jackson and Aunt Katie, Ayden and Mackenzie.  I took Friday off of work and then at the last minute ended up heading down there Thursday after work. 

Of course things were NUTS when I first walked in the door.  Lily was whining that she had to pee (and she didn't have a pull up on and had peed a little in her car seat so I was rushing her to the potty) and Tyler was crying because he was hungry and I had 47 bags to haul in from the car and it was general craziness like it always is any time we go any where.

So after getting Lily cleaned up and the carseat wiped down and Tyler changed and hooked up to the boob, I was chatting with Jenny and Mom and watching the other kids playing and I then I did a double take cause Jackson was wearing a shirt that said:

"World's Best Brother"

I was totally confused for a minute and then I asked Jackson what his shirt said and he said, "Nothing."  So I'm looking at Jenny and I'm looking at Mom and back and forth and back and forth and asking Jackson 47 times what his shirt said and he wouldn't tell me!!  So finally, I say to Jenny, "Are you pregnant?!?!"  And she says, "Yep!!"

And now, let me pause this story for a second just to say that while this was surprise news to me, I wasn't too surprised because I had a feeling she was going to tell us any day now that she was pregnant.  I just knew it.

So then I ask when she's due and she says, "November 1." 

So I think for a second and then I said, "Wait minute, how many weeks are you?!!?"

Jenny:  "Fourteen."

Me:  "FOURTEEN WEEKS!?!?!?!?!  Fourteen!?!?!  FOURTEEN?!?"

So, not only is she pregnant, but she's 1/3 of the way THOUGH THE PREGNANCY and I'm just NOW finding out!  Are you kidding me?!!

Jenny:  "Well I wanted to tell you in person."

S-O-B!!  She's one crazy MOTHER!  Oh, and by the way, Josh's family knew a whole month before us because she SAW them before seeing us!  So, I'm pretty sure this will go down as an unforgivable act - not telling us for so long!  Until that baby gets here and I'm sure that will erase all notions of a grudge on this matter.....Here's her post with the announcement and some pretty cute pictures of Jackson.

As far as the rest of the weekend went, Lily was a bit of a terror.  I don't know why she does this when we travel.  She's turns into a nightmare.  She pushes my buttons on purpose.  At one point she was playing with Tyler and batting at him and progressively getting rougher.  So I asked her to stop hitting her brother.  So she looks me straight in the face, pulls her arm back, and hits Tyler on the back....she BARELY touches him so she's not out to do him any harm.  She's out to p*ss me off!  She looked me dead in the eyes the whole time.  So that was just one of many trips to time out this weekend.  She also picked up a new phrase.  When I ask her not to do something, or ask her to do something she doesn't want to do, she says "Mommy, don't TELL me THAT!"  It's funny except when it's not.  :)

When she's not being a brat, she's totally sweet and cute.  I swear. 

Tyler was a little doll, as usual.  My only issue with him was that he didn't sleep all night on any of the nights we were there and so I'm exhausted.  That's not the place I want to be at the end of a long weekend.  Three days away from work and I should be feeling refreshed - instead I feel like I've pulled an all nighter!

We took the kids swimming at an indoor pool not far from Grams' house.  The kids LOVED it.  Jackson, Ayden and Lily were jumping and splashing all over.  I took Tyler in too and he had a ball.  He's such a water baby.  Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures at the pool.  We didn't take a camera - as it was, I felt like I was packing the whole house just to go to the pool!

It was general madness trying to get ready.  We were trying to feed the bigger kids their lunch, feed Tyler his baby food, feed ourselves, change our clothes and the kids' clothes and pack up the swim bag, clean up the lunch mess etc etc etc and get out the door just to go swimming for probably 45 minutes. 

On the way there, Mom said, "I'm not sure it was worth all this hassle and stress!"

And I replied with what Joel and I have to remind each other of on a regular basis. 

If we don't ever go anywhere because it's too hard and stressful to pack up all our stuff and get the kids organized, then we'll never go anywhere until the kids are teenagers and they can babysit themselves at home while we go out somewhere by ourselves. We won't have any fun adventure filled memories with our kids as toddlers (and babies).  So, we suck it up, and we go.  Do we go somewhere every weekend?  No.  Cause even going to the park down the street can be a stressful ordeal.  But we do try to do something at least once a month.  Sometimes, when we get there, the hassle was TOTALLY worth it.  Sometimes, not so much.  But we don't give up!

Once we were at the pool and the kids were shrieking with delight (in spite of having shivering blue lips), Mom looked at me said, "It was worth it."

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