Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Days 4-5: Camping Conquered.

Day 4, Saturday...

Woke up with a shadow of a headache STILL.  I went to my 6am upper body workout with every intention of staying for the 7am kickboxing, but the thought of punching a bag made me want to throw up so I decided to skip it.  Instead I called the chiropractor at 7:55 (they don't even open until 8, IF they're even open on a Saturday) and I got very lucky.  They answered and could squeeze me in for an adjustment.  After that, I felt like a whole new person.

I headed to Kroger with a skip in my step.  Left Kroger, saw how beautifully the day was shaping up and suddenly had the thought that we should go camping.  Like right now.  I got very excited about this prospect and when I got home, I told Joel that I thought we should go.  He was game.

And then I started panicking.  How can I go camping without having taken days and days to plan?  And that's what I do when there's NO added challenge like Whole30 on top of it.  

Nope.  Can't do it.  Not going.  Let's just stay home.

Then I had to go to Walmart for my last bit of grocery shopping and while there, I decided to get over myself.  I am Kelly (Fonner) Basham.  I can pull this off.  

Got the shopping done, took a couple hours to get organized and then we headed off to Brown County State Park!  We got one of the last few remaining campsite.  Yes!

The stars were aligning - I think I was being rewarded for my spontaneous behavior when it was a time where being spontaneous was hard.  

The kids had a great time.  Lily was making bunny nests out of leaves and Tyler was all over making sure the fire was well fed with tiny twigs.  

The weather was absolutely amazing.  Perfect temperature - no humidity.  Just wonderful.

It was a bit tricky on the eating front.  I didn't want to short change the kids from traditional camping fare but also knew I could't have s'mores or donuts (or beer!).  I almost let that prevent me from going.  But I didn't.

Instead, I made sure that Joel and I had good food options too!  It was pretty alright...gotta say I missed having a cold adult beverage in my hand - and skipping the donuts was rough.  But all in all, it was a pretty good time!

This morning, we sat around the campfire, drinking black coffee (😲) and I told Joel I felt so good!  So at peace.  Headache was gone after 4 straight days.  So much fresh air.  The kids were playing so well.  I could have stayed there for hours and hours.  But alas, reality sets in.  And the kids started to get sideways.  TIME TO GO!

We got home around 12:30 and I worked in the kitchen until 7:30.  I.  Am.  Exhausted.  Between cleaning up the camping stuff, fixing lunch, doing dishes, meal prepping, fixing the kids dinner, fixing our dinner, making meal plans for the week - whew!  All in the hopes that this coming week will be easier than the last in terms of dinner execution!

Preworkout:  apple
Breakfast:  eggs with veggies
Lunch:  Stuffed peppers, baked potato
Dinner:  hobo packet (hamburger, veggies), baked potato
Snack:  Grilled pineapple

Breakfast:  frittata & chicken sausage, watermelon, cantaloupe
Snack:  watermelon, cantaloupe
Lunch: grilled chicken salad with blackberry vinaigrette
Dinner:  coconut curry chicken, sweet potato, roasted veggies

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