Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 1: Mourning the Loss of Diet Coke

This morning, while getting ready for work, I decided that I didn't really want to go to work today.  I needed to stay home so I could mourn the loss of my Diet Coke in private.  Kidding!  (mostly.)

Truthfully, I took an impromptu vacation day because I was realizing how little of summer there is left (a week!) and I just wanted to spend a day with my kiddos.  We went out for lunch at McDonald's - kids' choice - where I promptly busted out my left overs while they ate their nuggets and fries.  Is it bad when on Day 1, you have to exercise a lot of restraint to avoid eating the kids' unwanted fries???

Then we went downtown for a block party that Cummins was putting on.  Bounces houses, snow cones, face paint, some big trucks and engines.  Joel was able to meet us down there.

But it was awful hot, so then we went to the pool.  The kids swam and I buried my nose in my Whole30 book.

So, how did my day go through the Whole30 lens?  I only ate "compliant" food all day!  Yippee!  But right now I have raging headache which likely due to mostly caffeine withdrawal but also too much sun.

What I ate:
7am Breakfast:  egg muffins with sautéed veggies, banana
9am Mid-morning:  watermelon and cantaloup (cause I was cutting it up and I snuck some)
10:30 Lunch:  Pork chop, sautéed green beans, bell pepper, tomatoes; blackberries and pineapple
2:00 Snack:  raw carrots, broccoli, cherry tomatoes 
4:00 Snack:  apple
7:00 Dinner:  Pork chop, tomato & roasted red pepper soup, canned green beans, misc bites of fruit

I was absolutely starving to death from about 1:00pm until after I ate dinner.  So, looking back, lots of things not right about my meals.  Too much fruit.  Not enough "healthy fats."  Too many snacks.

In my defense, I didn't actually get the Whole 30 book until last night.  So I didn't really read the part about what a balanced meal looks like and what I should be eating each time and how many times a day, etc.

So I finally read that part (while at the pool today), but I know it's going to take me some time to get use to it and how it's different from what I have been doing the last 4 years.  I think I'm probably not going to get it right for a week or two - at least.

I did make some sausage this morning that I plan to have with tomorrow's breakfast!  Can't wait to try it... I really hope it doesn't suck.

In summary, I don't think I get to call Day 1 a success until I make it all through the night without heading to the kitchen for some peanut butter somewhere in the wee hours.  But, so far, I'm ok.

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