Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day 0: The day before it all begins

Tomorrow is the first day of Whole30.  

I have good intentions to document how this goes each day.  Challenges, successes, new food/recipe  discoveries, how I'm feeling.  This could get really boring in a hurry - sorry about that.

This morning I took my before pictures.  Tomorrow I will take my measurements, weigh in and check my body fat %.   I'm freaking out about stepping on the scale.  Haven't done that in a couple months and I'm fairly certain it's not going to be a pleasant outcome.  But, it is what it is.  I earned what I will see there so have to own that and move on from it.  

So, I'll leave you now to suck down the last of my last Diet Coke.  

Wish.  Me.  Luck!


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