Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 3: Temptation Galore!

I woke up this morning at 4:30 for my kickboxing class - feeling pretty tentative about going as the ROARING headache from yesterday was still lingering slightly.  But I had skipped the lower body class yesterday afternoon since I was experiencing among the top 5 worst headaches of my lifetime - so I made myself go this morning so as to avoid the mounting guilt over skipping workouts.

The first 35 minutes of the workout was torture - headache was back full force.  With every punch I dealt to the bag, I felt like I was getting a corresponding punch to my head.  But around the last 5-10 minutes of class I could feel my neck and shoulders start to loosen up and the headache started to melt away little.   

Pretty sure this was the worst KB workout I've ever logged.  All those greens are usually yellow and all those yellows are usually red (or almost red).  Typically average effort is 79-81%.  72% is pretty piss poor. 

I've carried the headache the rest of the day but it was mild compared to yesterday.

Today was all about temptation.  Fridays in my office are donuts & coffee days - always a horrible temptation.  I'm usually able to avoid the donuts (which is a galldang miracle in itself), but I definitely help myself to cream and splenda filled coffee.  

Today, however, there was a whole smorgasbord of temptation.  I'm surprised to say that I didn't feel as tempted as I usually do.  I'm guessing that the "newness" of Whole3 hasn't worn off yet!

At one point in the morning, Joel sent me a photo of a box of donuts with a bunch of crying face emojis.  I promptly let him know that my day was harder than his and followed up by sending him pictures of all the stuff in my face today.  He acknowledged that I win. 

What did I eat today:
Pre workout:  banana
Breakfast:  (homemade!) sausage with spinach and caramelized onions, egg bake, peach
Lunch:  (homemade!) tomato soup, salad with chicken breast, tomatoes, red onion, raw almonds and (homemade!) blackberry vinaigrette, watermelon
Snack:  veggies with (homemade!) guacamole, pineapple, blackberries
Dinner:  Stuffed peppers (ground beef, onions, tomatoes, garlic, spices), green beans, canteloupe 

Seeing all those "homemade" qualifiers helps me see how come I felt like I cooked all week long.  It's normal to make eggs for breakfast, but not the sausage from scratch.  It's normal to have veggies and dip, but not homemade dip.  Salads are a staple in my diet, with store bought dressing.

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