Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Days 4-5: Camping Conquered.

Day 4, Saturday...

Woke up with a shadow of a headache STILL.  I went to my 6am upper body workout with every intention of staying for the 7am kickboxing, but the thought of punching a bag made me want to throw up so I decided to skip it.  Instead I called the chiropractor at 7:55 (they don't even open until 8, IF they're even open on a Saturday) and I got very lucky.  They answered and could squeeze me in for an adjustment.  After that, I felt like a whole new person.

I headed to Kroger with a skip in my step.  Left Kroger, saw how beautifully the day was shaping up and suddenly had the thought that we should go camping.  Like right now.  I got very excited about this prospect and when I got home, I told Joel that I thought we should go.  He was game.

And then I started panicking.  How can I go camping without having taken days and days to plan?  And that's what I do when there's NO added challenge like Whole30 on top of it.  

Nope.  Can't do it.  Not going.  Let's just stay home.

Then I had to go to Walmart for my last bit of grocery shopping and while there, I decided to get over myself.  I am Kelly (Fonner) Basham.  I can pull this off.  

Got the shopping done, took a couple hours to get organized and then we headed off to Brown County State Park!  We got one of the last few remaining campsite.  Yes!

The stars were aligning - I think I was being rewarded for my spontaneous behavior when it was a time where being spontaneous was hard.  

The kids had a great time.  Lily was making bunny nests out of leaves and Tyler was all over making sure the fire was well fed with tiny twigs.  

The weather was absolutely amazing.  Perfect temperature - no humidity.  Just wonderful.

It was a bit tricky on the eating front.  I didn't want to short change the kids from traditional camping fare but also knew I could't have s'mores or donuts (or beer!).  I almost let that prevent me from going.  But I didn't.

Instead, I made sure that Joel and I had good food options too!  It was pretty alright...gotta say I missed having a cold adult beverage in my hand - and skipping the donuts was rough.  But all in all, it was a pretty good time!

This morning, we sat around the campfire, drinking black coffee (😲) and I told Joel I felt so good!  So at peace.  Headache was gone after 4 straight days.  So much fresh air.  The kids were playing so well.  I could have stayed there for hours and hours.  But alas, reality sets in.  And the kids started to get sideways.  TIME TO GO!

We got home around 12:30 and I worked in the kitchen until 7:30.  I.  Am.  Exhausted.  Between cleaning up the camping stuff, fixing lunch, doing dishes, meal prepping, fixing the kids dinner, fixing our dinner, making meal plans for the week - whew!  All in the hopes that this coming week will be easier than the last in terms of dinner execution!

Preworkout:  apple
Breakfast:  eggs with veggies
Lunch:  Stuffed peppers, baked potato
Dinner:  hobo packet (hamburger, veggies), baked potato
Snack:  Grilled pineapple

Breakfast:  frittata & chicken sausage, watermelon, cantaloupe
Snack:  watermelon, cantaloupe
Lunch: grilled chicken salad with blackberry vinaigrette
Dinner:  coconut curry chicken, sweet potato, roasted veggies

Friday, July 28, 2017

Day 3: Temptation Galore!

I woke up this morning at 4:30 for my kickboxing class - feeling pretty tentative about going as the ROARING headache from yesterday was still lingering slightly.  But I had skipped the lower body class yesterday afternoon since I was experiencing among the top 5 worst headaches of my lifetime - so I made myself go this morning so as to avoid the mounting guilt over skipping workouts.

The first 35 minutes of the workout was torture - headache was back full force.  With every punch I dealt to the bag, I felt like I was getting a corresponding punch to my head.  But around the last 5-10 minutes of class I could feel my neck and shoulders start to loosen up and the headache started to melt away little.   

Pretty sure this was the worst KB workout I've ever logged.  All those greens are usually yellow and all those yellows are usually red (or almost red).  Typically average effort is 79-81%.  72% is pretty piss poor. 

I've carried the headache the rest of the day but it was mild compared to yesterday.

Today was all about temptation.  Fridays in my office are donuts & coffee days - always a horrible temptation.  I'm usually able to avoid the donuts (which is a galldang miracle in itself), but I definitely help myself to cream and splenda filled coffee.  

Today, however, there was a whole smorgasbord of temptation.  I'm surprised to say that I didn't feel as tempted as I usually do.  I'm guessing that the "newness" of Whole3 hasn't worn off yet!

At one point in the morning, Joel sent me a photo of a box of donuts with a bunch of crying face emojis.  I promptly let him know that my day was harder than his and followed up by sending him pictures of all the stuff in my face today.  He acknowledged that I win. 

What did I eat today:
Pre workout:  banana
Breakfast:  (homemade!) sausage with spinach and caramelized onions, egg bake, peach
Lunch:  (homemade!) tomato soup, salad with chicken breast, tomatoes, red onion, raw almonds and (homemade!) blackberry vinaigrette, watermelon
Snack:  veggies with (homemade!) guacamole, pineapple, blackberries
Dinner:  Stuffed peppers (ground beef, onions, tomatoes, garlic, spices), green beans, canteloupe 

Seeing all those "homemade" qualifiers helps me see how come I felt like I cooked all week long.  It's normal to make eggs for breakfast, but not the sausage from scratch.  It's normal to have veggies and dip, but not homemade dip.  Salads are a staple in my diet, with store bought dressing.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Day 2: Hangover from Hell

Today has been awful.  AWFUL.  It started at 3am when both Joel and I woke up miserable with headaches.  Mine has stuck faithfully by my side the whole day through.  How sweet.  It's unbelievably unfair to feel this hungover without all the fun from the night before.  I suppose it's mix of dramatically reduced caffeine intake along with NO SUGAR for 24 hours.

This will pass.  This will pass.  This.  Will.  Pass.

On the bright side, when I got to work I had an awesome present waiting for me from my coworker who is nearly complete with her run through the program!  She filled it with some Whole30 essentials  - compliant marinara sauce, coconut milk, avocados (which I promptly turned in in guacamole when I came home!), macadamia nuts, ghee (more on that in a minute) and some Larabars which I am very excited to try but a little nervous that will feel like a treat instead of part of a meal.  We'll see!

So, ghee is the latest Whole30 thing I have tried.  It's clarified butter, which means that you basically take unsalted butter, heated up and skim the milk fats off the top.  So it's butter without lactose which makes it compliant with the program.  

I had a sweet potato with my lunch so I put some this on it.  Not too shabby, but I don't think my potato actually needed anything added to it.  I mostly just wanted an excuse to try it.

What I ate today:
Breakfast:  egg muffins, homemade sausage, banana, macadamia nuts
Lunch:  grilled chicken breast, sweet potatoes, peach
Snack:  raw veggies, canteloupe
Dinner:  grilled chicken, baked white potato, red bell pepper w/ guacamole, blackberries

My meal planning and preparation this week has left a lot to be desired.  I have been up after the kids have gone to bed, cooking food for the next day's lunches.  Right now, I've got breakfast in the oven as I type.  I feel like I've done nothing but cook ALL WEEK LONG.  Definitely looking forward to the weekend where I can take a minute, make a plan and do my normal weekend marathon cooking so that I don't have to work so hard at it during the week.

Like my coworker noted:

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Day 1: Mourning the Loss of Diet Coke

This morning, while getting ready for work, I decided that I didn't really want to go to work today.  I needed to stay home so I could mourn the loss of my Diet Coke in private.  Kidding!  (mostly.)

Truthfully, I took an impromptu vacation day because I was realizing how little of summer there is left (a week!) and I just wanted to spend a day with my kiddos.  We went out for lunch at McDonald's - kids' choice - where I promptly busted out my left overs while they ate their nuggets and fries.  Is it bad when on Day 1, you have to exercise a lot of restraint to avoid eating the kids' unwanted fries???

Then we went downtown for a block party that Cummins was putting on.  Bounces houses, snow cones, face paint, some big trucks and engines.  Joel was able to meet us down there.

But it was awful hot, so then we went to the pool.  The kids swam and I buried my nose in my Whole30 book.

So, how did my day go through the Whole30 lens?  I only ate "compliant" food all day!  Yippee!  But right now I have raging headache which likely due to mostly caffeine withdrawal but also too much sun.

What I ate:
7am Breakfast:  egg muffins with sautéed veggies, banana
9am Mid-morning:  watermelon and cantaloup (cause I was cutting it up and I snuck some)
10:30 Lunch:  Pork chop, sautéed green beans, bell pepper, tomatoes; blackberries and pineapple
2:00 Snack:  raw carrots, broccoli, cherry tomatoes 
4:00 Snack:  apple
7:00 Dinner:  Pork chop, tomato & roasted red pepper soup, canned green beans, misc bites of fruit

I was absolutely starving to death from about 1:00pm until after I ate dinner.  So, looking back, lots of things not right about my meals.  Too much fruit.  Not enough "healthy fats."  Too many snacks.

In my defense, I didn't actually get the Whole 30 book until last night.  So I didn't really read the part about what a balanced meal looks like and what I should be eating each time and how many times a day, etc.

So I finally read that part (while at the pool today), but I know it's going to take me some time to get use to it and how it's different from what I have been doing the last 4 years.  I think I'm probably not going to get it right for a week or two - at least.

I did make some sausage this morning that I plan to have with tomorrow's breakfast!  Can't wait to try it... I really hope it doesn't suck.

In summary, I don't think I get to call Day 1 a success until I make it all through the night without heading to the kitchen for some peanut butter somewhere in the wee hours.  But, so far, I'm ok.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Day 0: The day before it all begins

Tomorrow is the first day of Whole30.  

I have good intentions to document how this goes each day.  Challenges, successes, new food/recipe  discoveries, how I'm feeling.  This could get really boring in a hurry - sorry about that.

This morning I took my before pictures.  Tomorrow I will take my measurements, weigh in and check my body fat %.   I'm freaking out about stepping on the scale.  Haven't done that in a couple months and I'm fairly certain it's not going to be a pleasant outcome.  But, it is what it is.  I earned what I will see there so have to own that and move on from it.  

So, I'll leave you now to suck down the last of my last Diet Coke.  

Wish.  Me.  Luck!


Monday, July 24, 2017

Happy, Hippy Shit.

My husband is so supportive.  I am so lucky.  When I told him that I wanted to do this Whole30 reset, I knew he would be on board to do it with me.  I mean, this is exactly the kind of "happy, hippy shit" he can get in to.  

So supportive, in fact, that he was ready to jump start a day early and even proposed a solution to the extra food in the house that I hated to waste.  

Believe me when I say that I really did consider whether my leftovers could be safely delivered to the homeless who lives at the Walmart.  

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Whole30. What am I thinking?

It's taken me a couple weeks to wrap my brain around trying Whole30 and using that as my mechanism for getting my control back.  

I've tried and tried to get back to basics with Weight Watchers or following the FXB nutrition plan.  

It ain't working.  

I need something different.  Something serious.  Something big.  

Something that will help me to regain control.  Even if I don't lose a single pound or wear pants with a button ever again, I need to have my control back.  

My coworker is nearly finished with her first 30 day journey through Whole30.  She's the one who introduced me to the idea.  At first, I completely disregarded this program - "no way, no how, not for me."  Give up cheese?  Puh-shaw!  No bread - not even my "healthy, multi-grain" stuff?  You're kidding, right? NO DIET COKE?  ðŸ˜± No.  Just, no.

And then I had a few very bad eating days - in the daylight, daytime zombie eating - and realized, it's now or never.  It was kind of a hit me square in the face moment, much like when I joined Weight Watchers in the first place. 

The Whole30 is meant to do a lot of things.  Detox your body from sugars and processed food chemicals and all sorts of other junk.  By getting your body and guts cleaned up, it will do so many things in addition to getting my control back - improved immune system, reduced inflammation and what I'm most excited about, clearer complexion.  My skin has looked worse than a adolescent teenager's for going on 2 years now.  I'm over it.  

I've been doing a little research.  Chatting with my coworker.  Reading a couple books.  Stockpiling recipes.  Building an arsenal of information.  

And freaking out.  But in an excited sort of way!  Right?  Yeah, let's go with that.

The main premise of The Whole30 is to eat clean, whole foods in order to get your body to a "clean slate" environment.  You eliminate foods that are typically considered triggers (mental, physical and emotional ones) for (at least) 30 days.  All the while, keeping track of how you feel (energy, sleep, skin, joints, etc).  Then, after that, you systematically reintroduce these foods and see what it does to influence those same attributes.

Here's the summary of what you eliminate:

No dairy - no cream in my coffee, no yogurt, no CHEESE!  
No legumes - no peanut butter!  No beans, no hummus!  (But wait, that stuff's healthy, right??)
No sugar - no splenda in my coffee, no baked goods (not even my kick ass "healthy" banana bread), no CHEWING GUM!
No grains - no bread, no rice, no quinoa



In case it wasn't already obvious, that one has me a little bit sideways.  Which, according to the support literature I'm reading, is a ginormous, HUGE, red flag that I need to give it up.  

So, I officially start this thing on Wednesday.  Why Wednesday?  Well, first, I still have some more reading to do on the specifics of the program.  Second, I have a lot food in my fridge that isn't "compliant" that will go bad before I get to the reintroduction phase.  I really hated to waste it.  So I compromised - I'll pitch a few things, eat up a few things and give myself a couple more days to get organized.

T-minus 2 days!  

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Blog resurrection.

I haven't written a blog post in well over year.  It just got so hard to keep up with and the pressure I was feeling about trying to post something every few days or every week or even just once a month got to where it was not a fun hobby anymore.  I was always behind and I really didn't need something in my life which made me feel like a failure on a regular basis.  ðŸ˜©

But now I'm back, albeit perhaps only for a short time.  Like maybe 30-something days.

I need to focus.  I need some accountability.  I need to vent.  I need to whine.  At least, I'm pretty sure I'm going to need all those things.

I've been on this weight loss journey for what feels like an eternity but it's actually been just over four years.  The first ~2 years, I focused very hard on "eating right" according to the Gospel of Weight Watchers.  I had tremendous success with that program over that time period, steadily dropping pounds and pants sizes and walking on cloud 9 pretty much all the time.  

Then I kicked it up a notch and joined Farrell's - punching and kicking my way to the healthiest I've ever been.  Feeling strong.  Feeling fit.  Feeling tough.  Even becoming an instructor.  Me!  Instructing fitness classes!  Still seems like a strange alternate reality sometimes.  

But somewhere over the last 12-18 months, I started on a slow backslide.  I don't miss an FXB workout unless I'm out of town.  So, that wasn't the problem.  But my eating habits have taken a nosedive.  I stick with my Weight Watchers protocol mixed together with the right protein/carb balance that FXB taught me most of the time.  Except when I don't.  

Here's where I get brutally honest.  Cause that's what this blogging process is all about.  Put it out there - no hiding - no lying.  It's the middle of the night peanut butter debacle that was my undoing.  I don't really remember when this started, but it's been a good while back.  And that middle of the night peanut butter then became PB plus some of the kids chocolate candy.  Or 10 pieces.  Or whatever.  I called this my zombie eating.  It was literally like I had no control over my arms or legs and the cravings won every time.  

I'd wake up the next morning and just feel AWFUL.  I'm telling you, horrible.  

And I'd go through that day, beating myself up and emphatically telling myself I would NOT repeat that same midnight kitchen adventure that night.  And then, it would happen again.  And again.  And again.  

I would try to be so strictly "good" during waking hours because I knew there was a very high likelihood, I would be anything but once I got to the middle of the night.  So on the outside looking in, people see me eating so healthy and working out diligently and complementing me for working so hard.  But I felt (feel) like a fraud.  Very out of control and if you know one thing about me, it's that I like to be in control.

Then, as if lack of feeling in control wasn't bad enough, the actual physical consequences started showing up.  Next thing you know, all pants with a button were no longer an option in my daily wardrobe selection.  So I bought a couple pair of bigger ones.  And now, those don't fit either.  

Recap.  Feeling out of control.  Eating poorly.  Energy draining.  Stress eating begetting stress eating.  Weight packing on.  Failure swirling.  

So.  Time for a big, fat (pun intended????) intervention.  I cannot go back here:

Friends, in a few days, I'm going to start The Whole30 cleanse / nutrition reset / getmysh*ttogether program.  

I'm.  Very.  Nervous.