Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Adventures in Babysitting: Part Deux.

Last night we had Maya come back and babysit for us again.  Joel and I are taking salsa dance lessons once per week!  What fun!

What wasn't fun?  The look on Tyler's face the doorbell rang and he saw Maya standing there.  Even though the last time went really well, Tyler got really clingy (again) after that night.  Not wanting us out of his sight, crawling up Joel's legs, etc.  So I was a little concerned but figured it would be ok.  He'll be ok.

He immediately launched himself at Joel and started wailing.  Lily was ok about Maya being there until Tyler got really wound up and then she got wound up and started in with "But Mommy, I want YOU to read me a story tonight!  I want YOU to read me a story!!"

We tried distracting them by taking them outside to ride their trikes.  That didn't work.  As soon as we started for the car, they'd both bolt off their bikes and tackle us.  

I finally said, "Joel we just have to go.  NOW."  We kissed Lily 17 times and told her she was going to have fun with Maya and handed a screaming, wiggling 20 month old over to the 15 year old babysitter and bee-lined for the car.

Boy, it was HARD to pull out of the drive way.  But then, I remembered my husband was taking me dancing.  So then I was ok.

When we got home at 9pm, I half expected at least Lily to still be awake since she was so adamant that I read her a story.  But she wasn't.  Both kiddos were sound asleep in their beds.

Maya said that Tyler calmed down after a couple minutes outside.  But then it looked like rain so they went back in.  Maya tried talking to Tyler, but every time she did, he cried.  So she just let him play by himself which he was apparently content to do.  Then it was bedtime and Maya said, Ok time to brush teeth and Tyler started crying again.  Poor fella.  Normally he takes off running for the bathroom when we say that.  She said he fussed a little bit during that but eventually calmed down and let her read him a story and then went to bed no problem.  Lily also went to bed no problem.  Whew.  


I hate pictureless posts so here's a couple unrelated pictures of the kids gluing popsicle sticks to paper tonight.  One of the kids found the popsicle sticks in my "office" over the weekend and they've been playing  with (and fighting over) them ever since.  Tonight, Lily wanted to glue them.  I fully expect her to regret this decision in the morning and she'll pull them back off the paper.

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