Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Leapin' Lizzards!

We had a convening of the Fonner sisters and our offspring in Evansville this weekend.  It was so nice to do this because every time we've gotten together since Christmas, it's been for someone's birthday.  And while the birthday parties are a lot of fun, it means that at least one sister is distracted and busy and we can't really just sit around and talk.
We got 0 pictures of all the babies together.  How does this always not happen?  Grr.
I did however get these ridiculous cute pictures of Tyler wearing Jenny's Mickey hat sideways.  We kept turning it the right and he'd take it off and put it back on with the ears going front to back.

We went to this bouncy house place.  Oh my, it was SO. MUCH. FUN.  Both my kiddos thought it was a grand time.  Lily is my apprehensive child and Tyler is a little dare devil.  Nothing scares him.  Well, almost nothing.  I took a few pictures, but they all pretty much suck.  Do you know how hard it is to take pictures, with your cell phone, while you are bouncing? 

The best part were these slides.  I loved them.  The kids loved them.  It was awesome.  The only bad part was that Tyler couldn't really climb up the ladder by himself (even though he thought he could).  He would try to climb and I would be there supporting him one painstakingly slow rung at a time which meant that we created quite the log jam of eager kiddos desperate to zoom to the top and slide down.  So most of the time, I would scoop him up and carry him to the top.  Well after a dozen or so times, I was EXHAUSTED!
And if you think bounce houses are exciting, wait til you hear what happened after we got home!
Mom asked for some help getting a recliner from the basement up to her bedroom.  Jenny and I set off to get this done and when Jenny hits the basement landing she shrieks, "Oh my GOD!  Is that real?" 
So I get down the steps and see this.
That's a lizard.  In my mother's basement.  It was about 8 inches long and a grayish brownish color.  Never seen anything like it my life and certainly not IN MY HOUSE.
I said, "Daaaaaad?!  Where are you?!?!?!"  I find it so crazy that I just told that lizard story last week and here we are faced with another lizard. 
So, I did what any self respecting woman would do when there's no man around to deal with a reptile.  I got a shoe box and my big girl panties and I captured that lizard!  Jenny was supposed to catch the whole thing on video, but she was too busy shrieking like a big fat sissy and didn't get it done.  She said I was shrieking too; but, frankly, I don't know she could possibly know this given how loud she was hollering. 
After capturing the beast, I said, "Now what?"  Jenny said, "We let it go.  But first we have to show the kids!"
They were fascinated.  Jackson moved to touch the lizard a couple times and I though Jenny was going to lose her sh*t. 

And yes, my son is hanging out in the front yard in his skivvies.  He had just woken up from his nap as I was coming through the house holding a shoebox lizard so he just joined the train of people outside to check it out.  What a cute little fellar. 

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