Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Monday, May 12, 2014

(e)Ssentially the Same

Lily said that to me yesterday and I can't for the life of me remember what she was comparing, but she totally used that phrase in the correct context.  Sometimes I can't believe the words that come out of her mouth.  

She's big time in to telling stories.  Sometimes she "reads" books and makes up stories as she goes along.  Sometimes she sits on the toilet and just talks and talks.  We had this conversation recently while she was sitting on the thrown:

Lily:  Does Daddy have a husband?
Me:  No.  Daddy is a husband.  Daddy has a wife.  I'm Daddy's wife.  
Lily:  Who else is Daddy's wife?
Me:  No one.  Daddy only has one wife.  
Lily:  Well, Daddy is my husband.
Me:  Oh?  Did you get married?
Lily:  Yes!  And I was all dressed up in my Sofia dress and it was very beautiful and I had on my Sofia shoes but I didn't have on any socks because socks are slippery and you can fall and we were married in The Sanctuary and it was really beautiful.  And then Daddy was my hubs-sand. And Tyler was there too.  

So, little girls really do want to marry their Daddies!  

I had such a lovely Mother's Day.  The kids were AMAZING.  I mean seriously, so wonderful all day.  They played so well together, kept the bickering to a minimum, (mostly) ate their food without a fight.   The kind of day that makes me want to quit my job immediately and stay home with them.  But then, I remember the day prior.  Basically the complete opposite of a perfect day - they both cried, whined, bickered, and fought with everybody and everything all day long.  At one point, I contemplated dropping them off at the humane society.  Kidding!  Kidding!  Sort of.

Back to Mother's Day.  Joel had the kiddos make me a card with their hand prints.  Joel pointed out that Tyler's hands are catching up to Lily's and I teared up a little.  Then I read the poem Joel wrote and we all teared up a little more.  So sweet.  I also got several accessories for my bicycle which I loved.  The kids helped me open the presents which is to say they opened them. 

The kids also brought me lovely crafts from school.  Tyler's sunshine footprints and Lily's hand prints.  

Lily also brought me something that she planted herself.  I'm not sure what it is (the tag says "cosmos" - maybe that's a flower?) and I'm not at all confident that it will actually grow because the plant was dropped upside down 3 times.  Yes, it had to be dropped 3 times before I was wise enough to put it in the windowsill where it couldn't be reached by clumsy Lily hands (which she comes by honestly from her mother....).

I need to balance out my post with some stories about Tyler.  This boy is an absolute joy.  His personality is totally coming in to it (as well as a touch of the terrible twos.... oh yes, they are starting to rear their ugly little heads).  
  • When he's not totally melting down, he's such a polite little feller and says "please" and "thank you" very regularly with no prompting.  
  • In the car when he wants to listen to the radio or wants you to change the station to something other than commercials, he yells "Song!  SONG!" and continues yelling until you find an acceptable music selection.  
  • He has broken my heart no less than 17 times in the last month because he loves to "go."  It doesn't matter where it is, if he sees you going for your shoes he runs and finds his shoes, brings them to you, plops down in front of you and hollers "SHOES!  Bye-bye!  Shoes!!"  I often take just Lily with me when I go to the store and poor Tyler wants to go so bad.  Sometimes I cave and take him.  And sometimes I hold back tears because Lily wants "Mommy and Me" time and I need to give that to her so that means poor Tyler-man stays home.  But he's getting "Daddy and Me" time which is very important too. 
    • But, sometimes we need to switch it up to give alone time with the opposite parent.  We aren't doing a good job of that mostly because generally Lily prefers me and Tyler prefers his Daddy so to avoid (minimize) fits we just divide and conquer along those lines.  We need to work on that.  Anywho....
  • He wants to do WHATEVER his sister is doing.  She runs.  He runs.  She picks flowers.  He picks flowers.  She pushes a baby stroller.  He pushes his grocery cart (after we convince him that he can't steal Lily's stroller).  She gets a drink.  He wants a drink.  She jumps on the bed.  He jumps on the bed.  You get the idea....
Joel is going to kill me for putting this on the internet.  But it's too freaking cute not to.  That is Tyler wearing Lily's Sofia high heels (on the wrong feet).  And let me just say that he maneuver's better in them than Lily does.  Which I will contribute to the fact that his feet are smaller and not very far up on to the high part of the heel and more of his foot fits in the toe part.  Hysterical seeing him walk around in these.  (I also like how he's holding his jammies pants leg like it's his princess skirt.  I think this is pure coincidence but a really funny one.)

OH!  I almost forgot to mention a major milestone in the Basham household.  Joel and I actually hired a babysitter on Friday night for the first time ever!  We found a girl in our neighborhood who is finishing up her Freshman year in high school and we had her watch the kids.  She did great and the kids did great and we will most definitely be doing THAT again.  

Lily remembered Maya from when we met her and her Dad a couple weeks ago.  Lily wanted to know if Maya was going to bring her dog.  No, honey, she's not bringing her doggie.  Lily remembered that Maya gave her a drink of water at Maya's house.  Then Lily asked if Maya's Daddy was coming too.  It was so cute.  She was really curious and totally ok with it.  Tyler, on the other hand, sensed right away that something was up and he totally melted down.  We had just sat the kids down to dinner when Maya arrived.  Tyler was so distraught he wouldn't eat.  We finally just had to leave.  I told Maya that if Tyler didn't calm down in a minute or two, she could take the kids and their food outside to have a picnic which would likely distract them both.  She ended up doing that and then both kids were good as gold the rest of the evening.  Whew!

What did Joel and I do with our date night, you might ask?  Hang on to your socks, folks.  Mattress shopping, dinner at Columbus Bar, belt shopping and Ritters (ice cream).  And we got home 20 minutes early because I was tired and we had nowhere else we wanted to go.  Hahahaha!

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