Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Stuff I Don't Want to Forget.

I must admit, I keep a weird blog.

I guess what I'm sayin is, sometimes you tune in and get funny stuff, sometimes you get griping and moaning, sometimes you get weight loss stories and sometimes you get run of the mill, everyday life boring stuff.  Regardless of why you stop by, I hope I entertain you at least some of the time.  Thanks for reading!

On that note, the creation of the blog books have changed the way I blog a little bit.  I feel compelled to document all sorts of stories and milestones that are interesting to me (and perhaps the babies' grandparents) but probably not that exciting to anyone else reading this.  But, since it's going to go down in the history books (literally), for my kids and grandkids to read some day, I go ahead and put it on the internet today.

  • She's loves to tell me, "I love you TOO, Mommy."  She wants me to say, "I love you" so she can respond "I love you TOO!" And then she wants me to say, "I love you TOO, Lily!"  So she can say, "I love you TOO, Mommy."  Sometimes she wants to have the last word and sometimes she wants me to have the last word.  It's hard to tell when she wants what so it's a guess each time (no doubt designed to prolong my putting her to bed or dropping her off at school.... smart little thang).
  • She's very much in to "I tricked you!"  For example, she'll say she wants princess snacks so you give them to her and then she'll giggle and say, "No I want Tinkerbell snacks!  I was just trickin' you!"  
  • She makes up words.  She just strings random syllables together in complete gibberish and then looks up at you to see if you're listening.  She especially does this when she's "reading."  

  • He grabs his behind and says "butt" when he's pooped and wants his diaper changed.  Once, he grabbed his butt and told Joel "dumpie" which is what Joel often calls a baby number 2 (he's so weird). Thoughts of potty training are starting to enter my head..... 
  • About 3-4 weeks ago, Tyler started calling me "Mommy" (instead of "Mama"); Joel and I both tried for a few days to get him back on Mama but it was a pointless exercise.  Sissy calls me Mommy so that's what he calls me.  Sniffle, sniffle.  Stop growing up, Tyler.  
  • It was a week or two before that when he stopped calling Joel "Dada" and he became "Daddy."  I don't think Joel was as bothered by this transition as I was.  

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