Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pacifier. Weaned.

I think I've mentioned previously that one of our methods in the attempt to rid Tyler of the pacifier was to poke a bunch of holes in it and make it less desirable.  Well, that hasn't really worked.  He still loves his paci even though it doesn't really "suck" that well.
Last weekend, I noticed that the paci was starting to rip apart due to being weak from the holes we'd punched in it.  We'd been discussing cutting the tip off of the paci all together to continue down the path of lessening it's desirability.  Since it was getting closer to becoming a choking hazard with each suck, it was time to remove the end.  However, it was ripped so far down, that when Joel took the end off, there wasn't much paci left.  As in, Tyler couldn't even really hold it in his mouth at all, much less suck on it.
Needless to say, Tyler was not pleased with this. 

Saturday night (Sleep Event #1):
He screamed, S-C-R-E-A-M-E-D, his head off for about 30 solid minutes.  I think.  I kind of lost track because that screaming was going on at the same time that Lily was screaming and having her "Welcome Home from Grams' House Bedtime Tantrum."
It's hard to say how much of Tyler's screaming was due to him being honked off about his paci mutilation vs being kept awake and aggravated by his sister's meltdown.

That night, he woke up at 2am and cried, loudly, for about 20 minutes before giving up and going back to sleep without his paci.

Sunday nap (Sleep Event #2):
We didn't even bother to give him the paci at all during nap, since he couldn't hold it in his mouth anyway.  After 10 minutes of crying and jumping on his bed, he finally gave up and fell asleep.  Wow!  Maybe this wasn't going to be as bad as we thought!  Isn't it cute how optimistic I am?

Sunday night (Sleep Event #3):
Tyler screamed his head off for 40 minutes.  DA-DA!  DA-DAAA!  DAAAA-DA!  I finally couldn't take it any more and went in to him.  Which just pissed him off more because he wanted his Da-da.  I talked to him for a minute, told him we loved him, promised I wasn't torturing him and then I turned on his dog that plays music and left the room.  He screamed for 30 seconds and then laid down and promptly went to sleep.

I never heard him during the night.

Monday nap (Sleep Event #4):
I cut off the very tippy tip of Tyler's daycare pacifier and wished the ladies the best of luck.  Tyler's daily note from his teachers said that he fussed a little and threw his paci at nap time.  But then retrieved it and put it in his mouth and went to sleep with little problem.

Monday night (Sleep Event #5):
Tyler screamed "Da-da" for only 15 minutes before he fell asleep!  We're moving in the right direction!  But then he woke up at 2:30am and screamed for Da-da for 15 minutes before giving up and going back to sleep.  (I did not go back to sleep.)

Tuesday nap (Sleep Event #6):
He went to sleep ok, but woke up early from his nap madder than a hornet.

Tuesday night (Sleep Event #7):
As soon as I was done reading Tyler his story, he immediately started screaming.  He knew what was coming and he wasn't too happy.  I put him in his crib, started up his music dog and told him to listen.  "Listen!  Tyler!  Listen!  The doggy is singing to you!  Listen!"  He puts his little hand up to his ear when I tell him to listen.  So cute.  That calmed him down until I started to walk out the door and he started screaming again.  But by the time I got out to the kitchen, he had laid down and quite crying! 

He woke up at 3:30am and cried for about 10 minutes but then went back to sleep.

Wednesday nap (Sleep Event #8):
The daycare teachers told Joel that he spit the mutilated paci out after a couple minutes and took his full nap.

Wednesday night (Sleep Event #9):
Tyler went to bed NO PROBLEM.  He cried about 8 seconds and was done!

We've tried several times over the last 5 months to take Tyler's paci away and never made it past the first night.    But now we did it!  Well, let's call it 90% good.  He still has the holey paci at daycare but the plan is to let him have that the rest of this week and then take it away starting next week.
I'd like to give a little shout out to Lily.  She gave up the paci when she was 13 months old and only cried for a couple minutes on the first night that she didn't have it.  After that, it was a non-issue.  Easy-peasey. 

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