Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Lily's First 1.5K

Joel participated in a 5K this morning and the kiddos and I went along to cheer him on.  After the runners and walkers got out of our way (ha!), we set off in the double stroller to walk too - to pass the time while we waited for Joel to complete the race. 
Lily lasted approximately 7 seconds in the stroller before she decided she wanted to push.  And then she lasted about 20 feet before she decided that, "Mommy, I want to go fast and I just can not go fast pushing this stroller."  Yes, that's exactly what she said.
So I told her she could run in front and Tyler and I would follow her.  So she took off. And it was not easy keeping up!  She ran and ran.

At one point she had to stop and take off her jacket cause she got too hot.

After we'd been running for about 10 minutes, we turned around so that we could get back to the finish line before Daddy caught up to us.

On the way back, we had to stop a few times to catch our breath.  And to check out storm drains which are apparently full of spider webs??  I didn't know this until Lily told me.  Eew.

Shortly after we turned around, the police car that was in front of the lead runner was coming down the road so we had to move fast!  Then the woman in the lead ran past us and Lily said she was going to run like that lady.  So she did.
We got to the finish line and got out of the way until there was a gap in runners so we didn't screw up anyone's time.
Lily was pretty tentative about crossing the finish line at first.  But then she did!   

I just checked Google maps to see how far we'd gone.  It was one mile round trip (1.5k).  And Lily ran about 3/4 of that.  Holy cow! 
And Daddy finished right behind Lily!  25:24 was his official time - his best ever.  Way to go Daddy!

Joel just reminded me that this was actually Lily's second race.  I was about 1 week pregnant with Lily when I did the Mini Marathon back in 2010.  I used to joke that maybe Lily would be a runner because of that! 
(Lily looks a lot better running than I do.....)
Crossing over the bricks at the Speedway
Regretting my decision to run 13.1 miles

Ecstatic and in complete disbelief
over running 13.1 miles. 
In one day.

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