Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Weekend Happenings.

Happy Easter!  What a beautiful 3-day weekend we enjoyed!!  Lots of walking, a bike ride, a Bronco ride (sort of), reading outside, grill purchasing and subsequent grilling, backyard renovation and garden planning discussions, grocerying, lots of cooking, Crocs shopping, Easter baskets, Easter mail from Meme and Papaw, a couple minor home repairs, Frozen hair, Frozen movie watching.  That's about it.  Some pictures to commemorate it!
Lily loves to pull Tyler in the wagon.  Tyler enjoys its for a while then then wants to take a turn pulling.  And Lily doesn't like to share the reigns.

Kiddos handing out in the back of the Bronco.

Kickin' it the backyard.  Sunglasses.  Hat. Cars Crocs.  Stylin'.
Lily is obsessed with having Frozen hair.  First she wanted "Elsa" hair.  "Mommy, is has to come over to the side.  Over my shoulder.  Like this." And then after bath, it was "Anna" hair.  "Mommy, that means two braids.  And they have to come over my shoulders."  Never been so glad I've left her hair long.  If that braid didn't go over her shoulder, I'd probably be fashioning in a yarn weave....Also, I'm getting better at braiding hair!

 Tyler was helping out with cleaning the new grill. 

Easter baskets! (Oh.  My.  Gawd.  Cutest.  Babies.  Ever.)
Putting their loot in their piggy banks.  Lily didn't want to put all her money in hers.  She was going to just keep it in a baggy.  But then about 10 minutes later, after she'd moved on to something else, her brother got a hold of her loot bag and was about to start putting it in his piggy.  I told Lily if she didn't want her brother get her money, she better put it in her piggy.  Done and done.

Lily received a Frozen magnet set from the Easter Bunny.  Her Daddy was playing it with her.  He's a good Daddy.  She was having fun despite the look on her face.  She was just annoyed that I was taking pictures.


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