Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Saturday, March 29, 2014

What Lily Did on Her Spring Break.

Lily's Spring Break was full of fun activities and I must say that I am super jealous!

She had her first visit to the library where she got to participate in story time and she got to check out some books and a Dora movie!  Grams took her out to eat and she got her very own ice cream cone for dessert!

Lily got to see Frozen at the movie theater!  Grams said she was so, so good during the movie.  She sat and watched the whole thing and never acted up, ran around or got restless.  She sang (whispered) along with the songs.  She really, really loves that movie.  (I'm so sad that I missed taking her to this movie.  Joel and I talked about it, but we both wanted to go, meaning we needed a sitter for Tyler, and we never made it happen while the movie was still playing in Columbus.  So, I'm glad she got to see it in the theater - I just feel like a jerk for not being the one to make it happen.)

Grams and Aunt Katie took Lily and Ayden to a bouncey house place where they ran around, jumped, went down slides, hollered, yelled, giggled and generally had an amazing time.  Ayden stayed overnight with Lily at Grams house, so they had a little slumber party.

Grams had to work a little bit on Thursday so Lily and Ayden kept each other company and played in the basement.

Finally a day that was nice enough to get to play outside a little bit!

And mixed throughout the week were games of Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, arts and crafts and other miscellaneous activities. 

Mom said Lily was absolutely wonderful the whole week.  

She slept in the spare bedroom by herself with no problem.  She went to sleep with no fuss.  She did not get up at 6am like she does at our house.  

Mom was really worried about what to feed Lily and concerned about whether she would actually get enough to eat since she's super picky.  Apparently Lily ate like a horse all week with absolutely no prompting and prodding by Mom.  Mom swears she hasn't been pumping her full of fruit snacks and chocolate.  I don't know if I believe this.........

Additionally, there have been no tantrums.  No fights.  No bath time screaming fits.  Figures.  

I asked Mom how she pulled this off.  She said, she always offered Lily two choices (longer bath or more play time..... this to eat or that to eat..... two short stories or one long story.... etc etc etc) and let Lily decide.   Then she sticks to whatever Lily picked - no exceptions.  Which is exactly what we do.  However, with us, even if she chooses longer bath, she still wants the additional play time after bath and goes into a screaming fit to get it after she already had the longer bath (for example).  I guess I was hoping Mom was going to find some magic trick/button/lever/strategy that we hadn't tried.  Sigh.  I guess this is just how it goes.  

The flip side, I guess, is that Mom, who raised a son and three headstrong, stubborn daughters, has already paid her dues in the fighting and screaming department.  She's earned this place in Grandmother-dom where it's all joy, hugs, kisses and giggles.  

Someday (like at least 25 years from now), I shall have that too!  But not tonight.

Tonight, we get home from Ayden's birthday party and Lily has been fighting us on everything since we walked in the door.  She fought about going to the potty by herself (she insists someone go with her - guess what? she didn't do that at Grams house).  She fought about going to bed.  She fought about going potty before bed.  She finally went potty and then fought about wiping her butt.  And then fought about pulling her pants up. 

I gathered up half her toys and removed them from her room.  Then she fought, with her pants around her ankles, about wanting her toys back.  So, after several chances to calm down, she was locked in her room in time out.  I go back 4 minutes later and hug her and such.  She says she wants to wipe her butt (cause her pants are still around her ankles).  So I send her back to the bathroom.  She won't wipe her butt and we start all over. 

I lock her back in her room and call Mom, crying, and ask her if she'd be willing to come pick Lily up and keep her at her house until she's 8. 

I try again with Lily and this time when I open her door she tells me she has to poop.  Which I'm pretty sure is another stall tactic but I let her go the potty.  Where she sits and plays around, not pooping.  And screaming for her toys back. 

So I try something new.  I turn Pandora on to the Disney channel on my phone and keep hitting next until a Frozen song comes on.  Which causes her to be totally mesmerized such that I am able to wipe her butt, pull her pants up and get her in bed while the song plays.  After it's over, I read her a story and leave the room. 

About 10 seconds later she starts screaming for her toys back.  And then screaming for Daddy to read her a story.  And then screaming that she doesn't want these jammies (that she picked out). And round and round we go.  And now, we've been listening to that screaming for the last 20 30 40 minutes.  She finally gave up.  90 minutes after we started the bed time routine, she finally gave up. 

I love her.  I love her more than life itself.  But, holy, freaking, moly.  I really and truthfully do not know how we're all going to come out of this phase without permanent psychological damage. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Tyler's Experience as an Only Child.

Since we've shipped Lily off to Grams' house for the week, Tyler is living the high life of an only child.  He can play with whatever toys he wants, whenever he wants.  He gets to take a bath by himself which means he can lay out, swim and play in the faucet as much as he wants (and he doesn't have to listen to me fight Lily for 20 minutes which always ends in someone(s) screaming and crying).  He gets his parents full attention.  

And because he has our full attention, we are actually noticing more things he can do!  This post is a compilation of things that we've just noticed plus things that Joel has known for a while but I didn't know so I didn't blog about it.
(DISCLAIMER:  The reason I didn't know isn't because I'm a bad Mom, I swear. It's because Joel puts Tyler to bed 90% of the time while I put Lily to bed.  So Joel has some 1:1 quality time with Tyler that I don't have.)  
  • He can say a LOT of words.  I've completely lost track at this point but it's growing at a very rapid rate.  New words every single day.  This week he said "silly" and it was ridiculous cute.  
  • He is learning his colors!  He can pick out purple and say it completely on his own.  If you ask him to show you, he'll point out red, yellow and blue (most of the time he gets it right....)
  • He knows lots of animals:  cow, horse, chick-ken (ducks, geese, swan are also chickens right now), dog, cat, frog, pig, sheep
  • He loves to jump on the bed, couch, crib, exercise ball, floor, whatever.  Loves it.
  • He grabs things, holds them to his chest and shouts "MINE!"
  • If he's done with something (milk, food, wrappers, toys, etc), he'll bring it to you, shove it in your face and shout "HERE!"
  • He likes to do puzzles (the wooden shape kind - not the interlocking kind)
  • He plays so good by himself.  

I think Tyler really misses his sister.  Right away on Monday, he noticed she wasn't around.  When I picked him up from daycare, he started in with "Sissy?  Sissy?"  Looking at me with big question marks in his eyes and his arms out, palms up.  He has asked about her no less than 87 times this week.  It is so. so. sweet.  I also find it so cute that he calls Lily "Sissy."  Joel will refer to Lily as "Sissy" every once in a while but mostly we say "Sister" or "Lily" when we're mentioning her to him.  But Tyler's latched on to calling her "Sissy."

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lily Goes on Spring Break.

A couple weeks ago, in the throws of a particularly wicked Lily tantrum, I devised a plan to send her on Spring Break.  A part of this plan was in finding a time where all the stars could align - to minimize driving back and forth extra times AND to try to finagle in a date night.

With Ayden's birthday party coming up, I knew we'd be in Santa Claus for that so I checked to see if Mom would be willing to drive up to Columbus the week before since it was Joel and I's anniversary.  That way, she'd be able to watch the kids so we could go on a date and she could take Lily back home with her for the week.  Then we'll meet up at Kate's the next weekend.

A plan is born!

We prepared Lily that Grams was coming for a visit.  I also mentioned to Lily about going to Grams' house in a very vague way.  I did not, however, mention to Lily that she was going to Grams' house by herself for a week until about 3 hours before it was time for her to leave.  

At first, she was really excited and started packing her toys.  "Tyler's not going.  You're not going.  Just me."  And then, after about 15 minutes, I think it slowly started to sink in and she changed her mind.  "I just wanna stay here."  I didn't push it and just said, "Ok Lily" but I kept on packing her clothes.  She said, "Why are you putting all my clothes in there?  I just wanna stay here.  You don't need to put my clothes in there."  So I told her, "I'm going to go ahead and pack your clothes in case you change your mind."

Shortly after that, she and I made our weekend trip to Walmart and when we got home it was lunch time.  After lunch is nap and Lily was actually pretty tired and wanting to take a nap.  So I had her go get ready (potty, pull up, etc) and she's all "Mommy, you read me a story."  So she's thinking she's not leaving with Grams.  I had her go ahead and give Joel and I hugs and kisses.  That way, I knew we were sure to get in some hugs and such before the possible meltdown hits.  So, again, she's thinking this is all normal pre-bed time routine.

Meanwhile, Grams is loading the car and carrying Lily's stuff out the door and Lily asks, "Why is Grams taking my clothes?  Why does she have my coat?"

And then I have her sit on my lap on the couch and I told her Grams was putting her stuff in the car because she was going to go with Grams when she leaves.  

Then I brace myself for the crying.  Cause she's going whether she likes it or not!

And she hugged me really hard and said, "I'm going to go to Grams' house and play at the outside playground."  And then we talked about all the other fun things she was going to get to do at Grams' house and she was ready to go.  She took herself outside and got in the car and there was absolutely no fuss whatsoever.    

I'm so proud!

(Sorry for the picture-less post.  Didn't take any of the departure.)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 5 Year Anniversary

On Friday, Joel and I celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary. 

To commemorate the occasion, we went out to dinner on Saturday night.

Mom came to watch the kiddos for us.  Tyler was a little clingy before we left.  But he was fine before we even got out of the driveway.

We went out to a nice seafood/steakhouse in downtown Indy.  It was pretty delish.  And very lovely to have dinner and be able to talk to one another without talking over the kids, or catching a drink just before (or after) it's spilled, or wishing we had a dustbuster to clean up the floor after we're done so as to reduce embarrassment over the mess we've made.

We did a little reminiscing about our first few dates and months of our relationship.  We both struggled to remember exactly how things went.  We remember all the moments, but we can't quite remember the exact order of things.  I suppose it's generally the woman's job to remember all the details, but my memory is shot, shot, shot. 

We had a really nice time with one another.  Made some grown up plans and talked about grown up things.  And I can't WAIT until we get to continue our anniversary celebration in the Bahamas!  Only 61 days to go!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Crazy? Brave? Nah, just real.

My cousin told me I was being brave by putting all that personal stuff out there in my weight loss post.

When I first started writing it, I thought I was being brave too.  Well actually, first I thought I was crazy stupid.  Who's really going to care about this?  Won't I be embarrassing myself?  Am I really going to tell the whole world my weight?  

Then I transitioned in to thinking I was being brave.  I am going to tell the whole world my weight!  I am going to tell everyone I love McDonald's and cookies!  I am going to make an example of myself!

And then, I had a major realization.  You are not going to believe this.


Gasp!  Yes, yes, it's true!  All I did was put a weight and a pants size out there which perhaps makes it more relatable and real - maybe that's brave but I don't really think so.  Plus, in the spirit of honesty and all that, there's nothing like the 25+ virtual pats on the back that I got after posting to Facebook - so there was a pretty significant selfish element involved that didn't have a thang to do with bravery! 

So, thank you for thinking I'm brave, but now you know the real truth!

My uncle mentioned how hard it is to lose weight and keep it off.  He's hitting on my exposed nerve with this comment.  The "keep it off" part.  I am UH-FRAID of this phase.  The keeping it off part is going to make the losing part look like a walk in the park.  When you're actively losing, you're seeing progress regularly.  You see the number on the scale go down.  Your clothes fit differently and then you get to buy new ones all together.  In other words, you're rewarded tangibly and regularly.  The thought of entering maintenance mode gives me sweaty palms.  I've already begun to think about what my strategies will be to help me maintain.  Folks have asked me if I will stay on Weight Watchers.  Yes.  If I don't count points, I will not hold myself accountable.  One little nibble here, not measuring the cheese there and next thing you know 5 pounds will be back before I can blink.  And that's as far as I've gotten on my plan.  

But I'm not done losing yet (.... I hope).  I still have a tiny bit more I want to lose before I go into maintenance mode so I've got time to figure it out.  But I fully recognize that it will be important for me to have a plan and accountability.  Control freak much?  Yes.  But for me, having a plan and clear expectations leads to success whether it's weight loss, work, parenting or whatever.

And finally, one last comment before I leave this subject of weight and return my blogging to the regularly scheduled series called "Cute things my kids did / Things my kids did that made me go all bat sh*t crazy."

I think I understated the importance that Joel has played in my progress.  He really is my partner in all things.  Even though weight is NEVER GOING TO BE AN ISSUE for his tall, skinny @ss and he has absolutely no concept of a pure love of (greasy, fattening, sweet) food, he has been so supportive.  He totally gets my trigger points and really helps me avoid them.  He encourages me every single day.  He constantly tells me how good I'm looking and how proud he is.  But, most importantly, he didn't love me less when I was uber heavy.  Even if I loved me less.  And for that, I love him more.  Sniffle.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What Obesity Means to Me.

Up to 10 years of my life, that's what.

I'm going to lay it all out on the table here people.  Judge me if you must, but it is what it is.  

When I started this diet, my BMI was just north of 40 and that put me in Class III Obesity.  Otherwise known as "morbidly obese."  While I didn't feel good about myself, and I definitely knew I didn't look good, I didn't really feel like I was morbidly obese!  Gasp!  Isn't that what those people are who have to have walls torn down in order to out of their houses?  Who don't even know how much they weigh (unless they go stand on a freight scale) because household scales don't go that high?  That's not me!  

You know what that is?  Denial.  Excuses.  I got a million of 'em.  I don't need to do anything because I'm not anywhere near as bad as that.  I know people who are fatter than me and they look happy, so I'm fine.  I'm a Mom, and this is what moms look like.  I want to be happy and eating makes me happy.  And my favorite - I don't have time.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.

My size 18W/20 clothes were too tight and I absolutely dreaded the idea of having to shop for new ones cause the only place I could find clothes that fit was the "fat lady store."  I was getting plantar fasciitis in my left foot.  I couldn't sleep fully on my stomach any more.  I rolled my eyes if Joel wanted to go for a walk with the kids - like he just asked me if I wanted to poke my own eye out.  It was hard to chase after the kids on the playground.  I had bought a new bicycle and hardly rode it.

But none of that seemed to be the wake up call I was apparently waiting for.  

It took stepping on the scale and weighing the exact same amount as I did at 9 months pregnant with Lily - 232.6 pounds.  That was my moment.

And it's not like I could say to myself,  "Oh my!  Kelly, how did you get here?"

I knew exactly how I got there.  
  • 2 babies worth of baby weight.... but make no mistake about it, very little of my weight problem can actually be blamed on having babies.  Being pregnant was just an good excuse for a free-for-all.
  • Sausage biscuits almost every morning.  
  • McDonald's for lunch at least 2 times per week ("Why, yes, I'd like to supersize that. Oh and I'll take an apple pie, too, please and thank you.")  
  • How about, Fazoli's for lunch and eating an entire baked chicken parmesan and 4 breadsticks.  (Ok, 5 breadsticks - I forgot I was truth tellin' here.)  
  • Eating out fast food dinner (burgers, pizza, gyros, Mexican) at least 2 times per week.  
  • Portion sizes that should have covered two meals - not one.  
  • Cooking with lots of cheese, oil, breads, etc
  • Four (4!) freshly baked chocolate chip cookies every night before bed.  
  • Zero exercise, unless you count volleyball once per week.  Which I don't.
  • And many, many, many more but I think I've embarrassed myself enough and you get the point.
Let me just take a pause and say, I can't believe I'm putting this on the internet.  But I'm doing it for a couple reasons:  1)  weight will be a life long battle for me and some day, I may need to read this to get re-motivated and/or to recognize old bad habits creeping back in; and 2)  so many people have told me that I am their inspiration so I just want those people to know where I started - both mentally and physically - to give some idea of what it has taken for me to change.  It's not easy, but it's possible.  And it's every. single. day.

Anyway, that 232.6 lb day, June 24, 2013, I got in to work and immediately signed up for Weight Watchers.  I didn't check my email.  I didn't chat it up with my coworkers and talk about our weekends.  I signed up.  Then I took myself to our "healthzone kiosk" and officially documented my weight, BMI and body fat %.  That night, I measured my body (boobs, waist, hips, arms, thighs).  I took before pictures.

I prepared myself for this journey.  (That sounds soo cheesy...)

This next bit is for my WW comrades out there.  When I started, I got 42 points per day!  Forty-Two!!  Now, 7 of those were because I was still nursing and you get a little boost for being a nursing mom.  But, still, 35 of them were because I was as overweight - er, obese - as I was.  And the really crazy part?  I really, really struggled to stay within my 42 points!  Which just goes to show you how bad my eating habits were.  (Four cookies and milk - 14 points; Fazoli's breadsticks - 4 points...each!; McDonald's Sausage Biscuit - 11 points; Quarter pounder, large french fries, apple pie - 34 points).

At first, I just paid attention to what I was eating.  I was hard core during the week - counted every point, every morsel.  And then the weekends would roll around and I would back way off and not really count that closely.  This resulted in my losing 2-4 pounds from M-F and then gaining 1-2 pounds over the weekend for a net loss of 1-2 pounds per week.

Then, after the first 25 or so pounds came off, I stopped losing as much during the week, which forced me to be better on the weekends to keep losing at a rate of 1-2 pounds per week.  

Then, about 6 weeks ago, I hit 27 points and a fellow WW Warrior pointed out to me that 26 points is the "floor."  The points don't go any lower than that - which means, I was running out of time for food control to be my only path to weight loss.  So I decided it was time to add exercise and I've been doing free classes that are offered at my work 2-3 times per week.

I'm now at the floor. Only 26 points per day.  Which means, there's very little room for treats and that's the hardest part.  FOUR cookies?!  Everyday!?  Ha!  I'm LUCKY now if I can manage 2 cookies 1-2 times per week.  Big difference.

But, the payoff?  38 weeks later, I'm officially no longer obese.  I'm just "overweight" - and I couldn't be more pleased with that!

Weight:  167.6 pounds (down 65 pounds, 28% of my weight GONE)
BMI: 30 (down from 40.41)
Body Fat:  35.7% (down 45.7%)
Boobs:  -6.75"
Arms:  -2"
Waist:  -9"
Hips:  -8.75"
Thighs:  -6"
Dress size:  12 (down from 18W/20)

I think there are several keys to my success.
  • I set small goals with relatively short timelines (2 months or less)
  • Joel eats whatever I fix or suggest.  He doesn't care too much.  He doesn't suggest we eat out (clearly my weakness).  He doesn't bring in or put junk food on the grocery list.  (By the way, he lost like 25 pounds while I've been on this diet)
  • I plan a week's worth of meals on the weekend.  If I have a plan, I'm far less likely to eat out
  • I take leftovers for lunch
  • If I ever don't have a plan (or leftovers), I almost always get Subway
So here it is.  This is what the journey looked like. These pictures were taken roughly about every 10 pounds lost.  (Can't believe this is on the internet......)

So back to what obesity means to me.  It means that when I was carrying around all that weight, I was most probably cutting my life short - by up to 10 years.  What's going to happen in those last 10 years?  I'm going to have grandbabies (and maybe great grandbabies!) to spoil, that's what.

Even more importantly, the next 10 years are going to be so much more fun now that I have a fighting chance of keeping up with my kiddos.  By the way, the combined weight of my kids is just under 65 pounds.  And it was all I could do to hold them both long enough for Joel to take a couple pictures.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St Patrick's Day Birthday to Me!

Happy St Patrick's Day from the Basham Family!

In typical Kelly Fonner style, we were all sportin' green today for the occasion.  I didn't ask Joel to dye his beard green.  Perhaps that'll come after we've been married 10 years.  Don't want to scare him away so early on with ALL of the requirements of being married to a Fonner. 

I had a pretty good birthday.  It started out with my weigh in.  I had a little goal I was trying to reach by today.  I made it!  Happy Birthday to me!  More on that in a dedicated blog post later. 
Then, since I made my goal, I pretty much had a go crazy day on my diet.  I tried to be first.  But then I got out of bed.  Haha!  Then I had to go and get donuts involved.  And lunch with my bestie.  And pizza.  And cupcakes.  And cookies.  So yeah, whatever, I'm entitled to an overboard day.  Tomorrow is a new day.
After work, we took a few pictures which went better than normal in terms of cooperation by everyone (yes, it's bad enough to get the kids to cooperate, but even Joel fights me on the picture taking ordeal - but not today!).  However, we didn't get any shots of all four of us looking at the camera at the same time.
Then the kiddos and Joel showered me with a bunch of presents!  The theme was "green" presents!  The kids had helped Joel pick the stuff out and wrap it.  Lily was so excited to give me the presents.  She only told me what one thing was before I opened it. 
So I know I said green presents and most are, but there's a few things not green.  Dark chocolate!  YUM!  And that box of mess and wires?  A heated seat kit for my car!!!  I'm so excited for next winter to get here when I'll have heated seats!  Haha, just kidding.  I can be plenty patient for next winter.  Anyhow, this is the main thing I wanted and it's something we'll have to wait to install until the summer time when Joel can reliably drive the bronco or motorcycle to work while I drive his truck while the installation is in progress.  Awesome gift.  Lily wrote her own name in the card.  Not too bad!  And Tyler made a few artistic contributions as well. 
The kiddos went NUTS playing with the wrapping paper when I was finished opening.  I have never seen them play like that together and it just completely filled me up.  They were running around and chasing each other and laughing hysterically.  I was chasing after them trying to take a good picture.  Fail.  (Don't judge Joel's wrapping paper choice.....there weren't many options in the closet...)

They were running all over the house.  Back and forth from the living room to our bedroom.  Cracking me up. 
And then, it was game over.  And now my fun birthday post takes a turn.  But you know what?  That's life.  That's how it goes sometimes.  Just because it's my birthday, doesn't mean the kids will behave perfectly.  Hang on, though, til the end here folks.  It turns out ok.
I picked up a pizza for supper and when it was time to eat, Lily went in to full on defiance and tantrum mode.  She wanted to sit on my lap for supper.  I said she had to sit in her chair.  She disagreed.  And so it goes.  A perfectly wonderful birthday afternoon vanishing before my eyes. 
I could have just given in and let her sit on my lap - that would have been easy.  Taken care of the problem quickly.  But I'm really getting tired of my 3 year running the show.  I'm really tired of fighting with her to get dressed, brush her teeth, go potty, pick up toys, put on her shoes, go to bed, etc etc etc.  I'm sick of her insisting she needs to get a vitamin from this parent, not that parent.  Or have that parent get her milk, not this parent.  On and on.  It's a power struggle and she always wins because one or both of us run out of patience to wait her out.
I had been talking with a coworker just today about discipline of toddlers.  He gave me some speech about linking disobedience and disobeying with punishment and children have to understand the consequences of their actions and blah, Blah, BLAH.  Yes, I know this.  I've watched Super Nanny. 
But then he said something that did resonate with me.  He said, "You really want to break this mentality of the kids believing they are in charge while they are still really young.  Do you really want to be having this fight when they are 13 or 16 and demanding to do things you really don't want them to do?" Hmmmm...
So I asked him, what are the consequences for your kid when he acts up?  He spanks (which I am totally ok with in the right situation).  And I asked him if that works.  Does your kid get it and know he did wrong when you spank him?  Yes. 
Well mine doesn't.  Spanking does not phase Lily in the slightest.  She couldn't care less.  Time out doesn't work.  She won't stay in it.  I have to practically sit on her to make her stay put. 
So, I have two tools left at my disposal that seem to at least have some impact on her.  1) lock her in her room and 2) take her things away.
So tonight, I did both things.  I started with taking away her Doc McStuffins doll.  I explained that she could have it back at bed time if she was a good listener the rest of the day.  Fail.
So then I took her Rapunzel doll (far more prized than Doc).  I explained again she could have her back at bed time if she was a good listener.  Fail.
So then, I locked her in her room and let her scream for about 5 minutes.  Mind you, we are trying to eat during all this.  I went back after 5 minutes and hugged her and told her I loved her and wanted her to eat with us if she could be calm. 
She was calm for about 10 seconds and then started screaming for her dolls back.  Nope.  Not giving in.  Back to her room she went for another 5 minutes.  I went again, hugged her, told her I loved her and tried to bring her the kitchen again.  This time, we actually got to the dinner table before she started screaming for her dolls back.  So, back to her room we went again.  Another 5 minutes. 
Third time's a charm right?
Well tonight it was.  After that last 5 minutes (and some more hugging and I love yous), she came to the dinner table and ate ALL HER FOOD (slowly, but completely on her own).  We chatted, joked and sang songs.  It was wonderful.  We were able to have birthday cupcakes (I toyed with not allowing the cupcakes, but I don't want too many punishments - plus it's my birthday and I don't want to be punished!).  She then played and played and played and laughed and was sweet as can be for the rest of the night.  Total transformation.  At bed time, she asked for Doc and Rapunzel back and she got them.  I reinforced that she was getting them back because she was a good listener after dinner.
I was really proud of both me and Joel through all that screaming.  We never once raised our voices.  I was consistent in my message.  Joel backed me up.  So maybe we can start to break this pattern.  But having the mental strength to not raise my voice when she's being a crazy person....whew, much easier said than done.  But I will try. 
So cupcakes....yes, cupcakes (or cuh-cay as Tyler says).


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

18 Months.

Tyler turned 18 months last week.  Where does the time go?  Here's a picture of him with powdered sugar donut all over his face.  Isn't he super cute?

Height:  33" (75th percentile)
Weight:  24.5 lbs (50th percentile)
In the last couple weeks I was noticing how Tyler is now visibly taller than the other kids in his class and I've been suspecting that he's had a growth spurt.  The doctor's visit this week confirmed it.  He's been tracking at 50th percentile since forever and now he's up to 75th.  I'm not gonna lie - this makes me pretty ecstatic.  I have this fear that his sister is going to tower over him into adulthood.  That she got her Daddy's height and he got mine.  But maybe there's still hope left. 
His new favorite words:
outside, house, French fries (freh fry), more, please (peas), thank you (th you), see ya
He probably knows at least 30-40 words - maybe more, I can't keep track.  He also signs more, please, thank you and all done very regularly. 

What's he up to:
He is really, really, really in to his Daddy.  Like really, really.  He's driving Joel (well, all of us actually) a little bit crazy.  He follows Joel everywhere and is constantly seeking his attention.  He cries and chases after Joel if he leaves the room.  Da-da is the first thing Tyler asks for most mornings.  He comes out of his room looking for Joel.  If I pick the kids up, Tyler asks for his Da-da.  We pull in to the driveway and Tyler starts hollering "Da-da!  Da-da!" and doesn't stop until he finds his Da-da. 
He gives fist bumps.  Joel taught him this and says "Boom!" whenever he gives Tyler a fist bump.  And now, if Tyler hears someone say "Boom!" he goes in for the fist bump.  It's ridiculous cute. 
He still takes a paci to sleep.  The doc wasn't too pleased about this.  She said it must be gone before he's 2.  Which, don't get my wrong, I totally agree.  But it's much easier said than done.  It's been a while since we tried taking it away and we should try again.  I definitely want it gone before we introduce a big boy bed so that we don't have too many changes on top of each other.  That said, I have no intention of taking him out of the crib any time soon, soooo......yeah.
Tyler loves to be outside.  If someone mentions the word "outside" he goes off in search of his shoes and jacket.  When it's time to come in from outside, he has an all out tantrum.  I'm talking kicking and screaming and the whole nine yards.
Lily and Tyler fight like crazy.  Most recently their fights are about capturing the attention of a parent.  If one of them is on my lap, the other wants on my lap and will go to great lengths to worm his or her way in.  If one kid is wrestling with Daddy on the floor, the other one has to get in on it.  Major jealousy issues.
Tyler is absolutely obsessed with his bears and dog.  He goes off in search of them and will find 2 or 3 and drag them around with him for a day.  He recently found this bear my Grandma Fonner made for me a blue million years ago and was giving it some lovin today. 
Tyler's eating habits are pretty good.  Far better than his sister, at least.  He's at least willing to try most things we put on this plate.  He does like chicken quite a bit.  I think what he likes the most though is variety.  He likes his menu changed up quite a bit. 
His sleeping habits are good too.  With the exception of the paci.  He goes to bed at night and naps with very little fuss.  He might cry for about 15 seconds after we lay him down but usually he gets over it before we even make it back to the living room.  It will be interesting when we change up his bed cause right now he's all over the crib.  He sleeps every which direction.