Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Thursday, July 12, 2012

There's an app for that

Pregnancy Update!  I'm 30 weeks 5 days....which means 65 days to go.  Yep, there's an app for that on my phone just in case I need a reminder of how much longer I have to go!

In general, I feel pretty good this pregnancy.  Not that pregnancy with Lily was terrible but I did go through so many of the traditional "side effects."  I have to say that the BEST improvement of this pregnancy over the last one is that before, I had mad insomnia.  The whole time.  And especially during the last trimester, I would sleep 3 hours a night.  It didn't matter what time I went to bed, I would wake up 3 hours later.  End of story.  This time, as I'm getting good and settled into the 3rd trimester, I thankfully have not been invaded by the insomnia monster (knock on wood).  While I definitely wake up to pee anywhere from 1-4 times a night and wake up every time I need to roll over and wake up cause my arms are asleep from my armpit to my finger tips, I am typically able to go back to sleep within 5-10 minutes.  So I'm not complaining....I swear!

I had my 30 week check up today and everything is looking great!  Baby is measuring big (32.5 - 33 weeks vs being only 30.7 weeks pregnant).  This is about the same as with Lily and she was born at 9lbs 10 oz.  So my hope for VBAC decreases a little more each time I go to the doctor since they won't do it if they think the baby is >8.5 lbs, but as I've said from the beginning, I know I'm not in charge of this....Peanut 2 is.  So we wait and see!

My glucose test was two weeks ago and that came back normal so it's exciting to know that I don't have to change my eating habits.  It would be sheer torture to give up my pregnancy craving (Fazoli's breadsticks....YUM!).  And my other pregnancy craving - nightly, fresh baked (from a package) chocolate chip cookies with ice cold milk.  I'll add that this also happens to be Joel's pregnancy craving, so it works out well.  : )

Here's side by side pictures of my baby bump from week 29:  

Peanut #1
29 Weeks 3 days 
Peanut #2
29 Weeks 5 days

The bump looks about the same to me (maybe a tad bit lower) but kind of hard to tell given that my outfit in the first picture is a little busy.  My weight gain is almost exactly the same. (Nevermind the fact that I started out 14 pounds heavier the second time half full, that would say as a percentage, I've actually gained less!)

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