Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bite the Bullet

After much debate back and forth about whether to create a new room for Lily or just update her current room and then create a new nursery, we finally decided to keep the nursery we have now and create a new room for Lily. 

Here are some pictures of her new room.  Joel and I worked pretty hard on it!  I painted those stencils myself (I ordered the stencil from Etsy) and it took a whole weekend to do.  But I love the result!  We found the furniture for a great price on Craig's list.  Then add a few pink accessories from Target and a cute little table and chairs from Meme and Papaw and ta-da! 

So we've had Lily's big girl room done for a couple weeks now but I just can't seem to bite the bullet to move her in there.  I'm nervous terrified of how things will go once she's out of the crib (Will she escape her room and come wake me up in the middle of the night?  Will she go to sleep when we put her to bed?  Will she "stam mup" on the table/chairs and fall and break her leg?  And so on....). 

I keep coming up with every excuse under the sun to delay the move. 
  1. We don't have bumpers or rails on the bed so she'll fall out (which was immediately remedied and now an invalid excuse)
  2. We haven't slept on the new mattress ourselves so we're not sure we want to keep it
  3. The closet is full of stuff we don't want her to play with (an easy fix....)
  4. We're going out of town this weekend (uh, what does that have to do with anything?)
  5. Company is coming over and will need to sleep in her new bed (uh, so what? she's a kid, she can sleep on a pallet on the floor)
  6. Today is Tuesday and no one "moves" on a Tuesday (you can see I'm grasping at straws here....)
I had a goal to have her in the big bed by mid-July to give her two months to adjust before the baby gets here.  Can it still be considered "mid-July" if it's July 20-something??

She looks so happy in her new bed! 
What do I have to be worried about?!

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