Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

School Supply List? Huh?

We seem to have made some good progress with the mission to move Liliana to her big girl room.  She now immediately goes to that room when we ask her to go to her room for something.  And we're able to put her to bed at night in the crib-turned-toddler-bed with no more fuss than we faced in her old room.  Progress!  The funniest thing about her bed situation is that while she can climb in and out of the "crib" with no problem, she doesn't get out unless I tell her it's ok.  I wonder if she thinks she can't get out since she's not accustomed to being able to get out?  Weird.

Blueberry Face!

I visited the daycare today that we're going to start Lily at on Monday.  It was a "surprise" visit which lots of people recommended I do.  Surprise, in that, they didn't know I was going to show up.  I met Lily's teacher and asked a bazillion questions and both the teacher and director were very nice and patient with me.  There will be 5 kids in Lily's class - she's the only girl.  I guess we are starting early in preparing her for a life as a female engineer!  Lily's teacher handed me a supply list.  I was expecting to see diapers, wipes, change of clothes, etc.  Nope.  It was a school supply list.  Really??  Glue, glue sticks, playdoh, markers, crayons, etc.  I thought I was like 4 years away from buying that stuff!  I guess this is one of those moments where your kid kind of grows up before your very eyes!

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday.  Everything looks fine and Peanut #2 still measuring on the big side.  I got into a bit of a discussion with the tech about whether I needed the Rhogam shot.  I said no. She said yes.  I was 99% sure I didn't have to get one with Lily and that Joel has A- blood (I'm O- and two negatives don't make a positive in this case).  But because I have had "pregnancy brain" so regularly lately, I called Joel just to make sure.  He couldn't remember his blood type.  Doh!  So the tech and nurse want me to have the shot.  Well Joel is not keen on me taking any medication or having any procedure or whatever that is not absolutely, 100% necessary (he's a hippy underneath those overalls - ha!).  So since he's a regular blood donor, he called the Red Cross and they confirmed A-.  He calls me back right away to make sure they haven't given me the shot yet and to make sure I don't get it since I don't need it.  Unwarranted medicinal intervention averted!  Peanut #2's heart rate was in the 160s - higher than the previous times but well within normal.  You could hear the heart rate getting faster as the nurse was trying to take it.  Peanut clearly does not like being messed with.  An interesting side note:  the nurse kept saying things like "she" doesn't like it (referring to Peanut).  "She" this and "she" that.  The nurse knows we don't know the sex but apparently she's decided Peanut's a she.  The doctor told us at the ultrasound that even he didn't find out the sex so it's not like it's in our file or something. 

Peanut #2
32 weeks 6 days

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