Family Pic Sept 2015

Family Pic Sept 2015

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mission: Big Girl Bed (BGB)

Welp, consider the bullet bitten, tooth broken and bullet spit back out! 

The first attempt at the big girl bed did not go so well.  As in, before I even got out of the room, Lily was screaming her head off and scrambling out of the bed and running after me.  She was completely terrified.  Absolutely petrified.  So we calmed her down, read her another story and tried again.  But, as soon as we made a move to leave, she started screaming again.  Sigh. 
So we aborted Mission "Big Girl Bed" for the night and we put her to bed in her old room in the crib and she went to sleep immediately. We are weak!  Plus we don't want to start any habits where she needs us laying there with her to fall asleep.  We decided that maybe the new room and the new bed was just too much all at once.  New plan:  put the crib in the new room and try that out for a little bit to get her used to the new room first.  Then try the bed in a week or two.  I guess I was one moves on a Tuesday!

Joel and I are so spoiled because Lily has adapted to every change in her life with little to no fanfare.  For example:
  1. Taking away the bottle at 8-9 months and switching to sippy cups
  2. Taking away the late evening nursing session at just over 9 months
  3. Stopping nursing at 13 months
  4. Taking away the pacifier at 13 months (which she used mostly at naps/night time - so at critical sleepy moments!)
  5. Changing baby sitters at 16 months
Mission BGB will be successful!  Just maybe not as easy as all the previous changes.

Lily had her 18 month check up on Monday.  Her stats:

     28.2 lbs           90% percentile
     33.5 inches     90% percentile

Yep, as if there was any doubt, she's still a big girl!!  I mentioned Lily's picky eating habits and my concerns about whether she's getting all the nutrients she needs.  The doc looked at me like I was a little bit nuts given that Lily is clearly not malnourished.  :)  She assured me that Lily is actually eating pretty good for a child her age since she eats so much fruit and yogurt - just keep offering different foods she said.  She's on track developmentally and no concerns from the doctor.  Yay! 

She's so darn CUTE!

In other Lily news, we are showing little signs of improvement on the swimming lessons.  She loves the water but just wants to play around on the steps.  We are able to keep her away from the steps for about 10 minutes and then it's just a battle - one that Joel and I usually don't have the energy to fight at this point in the day.  So it is what it is and we'll keep taking her, but she's probably going to have to take this same class again next year. 

As for a pregnancy update, today I'm 32 weeks 4 days.  Everything is going pretty well and haven't been back to the doc since my last pregnancy update.  I still feel pretty good although the backaches are increasing and my body gets fatigued pretty easily even when I walk short distances.  Swelling in my hands and feet is on the rise.  I'm thinking pretty soon I may have to switch to house slippers as my foot attire of choice because my feet won't fit into my sandals!  Sleep is getting trickier, but still better than my first pregnancy so I'm happy!  Now, could someone PLEASE turn the heat down?!?!

As Lily's doctor left the exam room the other day, she said, "As long as Lily's healthy, the next time I see you will be in the hospital!  It's going to be a boy."  I smiled.  Everyone thinks "boy" this time (even me). Not to skew the poll results or anything....  And, nope, no name picked out yet.  We still have time, right?  Right?

Peanut #1
31 weeks 2 days
Peanut #2
31 weeks 5 days

I don't know about you, but the bump looks a little bit bigger to me on Peanut #2.  Hard to say and I didn't measure so my conclusion isn't based on very robust data.  (There's the engineer in me!  I thought she was lost forever!)

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